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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

August 28, 2012 Minutes

University Assembly Meeting
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
4:30–6:15 p.m.
401 Physical Science Building

I. Call to Order

K. Albert called the first University Assembly meeting to order at 4:34 p.m.

Present: K. Albert, J. Cai, R. Kay, N. La Celle, E. McNelis, E. Newbury, M. Paine, B. Schaffner, R. Wayne

Absent: J. Blair, J. Burns, A. Gitlin, T. Grove

Also Attending: A. Bores, A. Epstein, M. Lukasiewicz, A. O’Donnell, P. Scelfo

II. Late Additions to the Agenda

K. Albert called for any late additions to the agenda. Upon hearing none, he asked for clarification about the May 1, 2012 minutes. A. O’Donnell stated the minutes were not available but would be available at the next UA meeting.

III. Updates

a. UHRB Appointments and Elections - A. Epstein

A. Epstein said the UA Executive committee approved the slate of candidates for appointment. The process was difficult since the CJC members did not rank the candidates they interviewed. Additionally, many of the interviews had to be done by A. Epstein. There were some interim appointments for the summer and there has now been some discussion regarding providing better coverage for the summer since there were almost too few members to hold hearings. A. Epstein asked for questions. B Schaffner asked if the people who were appointed have been notified and A. Epstein said they have all officially been informed.

IV. New Business

a. Election of Executive Board

The members of the UA went around the room and introduced themselves. After the nominations of the candidates, the new executive board was elected.

The results were as follows:

  • Chair - Joy Cai, undergrad
  • Vice Chair - Liz Newbury, grad
  • Vice Chair of Operations - Ned La Celle, employee
  • Robert Kay - Ranking Faculty Member

b. Committees and Chairs

A. Epstein explained the missions and expectations associated with each of the committees. The UA then elected chairs and members to the committees. The election results are as follows:

  • Code and Judiciary Committee
    • Chair: Edward Mc Nelis
    • Randy Wayne
  • Campus Welfare Committee
    • Chair: Joy Cai
    • Liz Newbury
  • Campus Infrastructure Committee
    • Chair: Bridget Schaffner
    • Mitch Paine
    • Kyle Albert

Each of the candidates then gave brief statements regarding their potential goals for the committees.

V. Open Forum

There was a discussion regarding the new building approvals and specifically Gates Hall. A. Epstein recommended posing questions to the chair of the Campus Planning Committee and sending a letter to Vice President Kyu Whang to ask him to give a presentation on the new buildings for the UA.

J. Cai asked for any other new business. There were no further items for discussion.

VI. Adjournment

J. Cai made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m.

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Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

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