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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20091202 R 10

R. 10 Resolution on Leasing for Horizontal Drilling and Hydrofracking for Natural Gas on Cornell University Property

Whereas Cornell University owns land that could be leased for the extraction of natural gas from the Marcellus Shale formation by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, and

Whereas concerns that should be investigated have been raised regarding the potential for environmental degradation associated with these extraction techniques, including groundwater contamination, damage to local roads, and the loss of prime farmland for agriculture, and

Whereas there are many faculty, staff, and extension agents with relevant expertise who could provide fact-based input regarding the potential risks and benefits well before binding decisions are made, and

Whereas the above faculty, staff, and extension agents are eager to pursue research to better understand the risks and benefits associated with gas shale development in New York State and the surrounding region, and

Whereas this is an opportunity to engage the Cornell community to determine if/how such extraction can be done with minimal risk and with optimal benefit for the entire region, in fulfilling our land grant stewardship responsibilities and extension mission, and

Whereas any decision to lease could have a negative impact on the health and safety of the entire Cornell community and the surrounding area, and

Whereas any such decision should be made transparently and with input from all segments of the Cornell community,

Therefore let it be resolved that Cornell University institute a moratorium on the leasing of Cornell owned land for natural gas extraction by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, and

Be it further resolved that President David Skorton form a committee of faculty and staff, and alumni who can speak expertly on these issues, and students, administrators, and others from the Cornell community, to study the potential risks and benefits associated with the extraction of natural gas by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, and

Be it further resolved that this committee make recommendations to the President including whether and under what terms a moratorium on the leasing of Cornell owned land for natural gas extraction by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing should be maintained or lifted, and

Be it further resolved that the status of these deliberations be reported periodically and in a final report, and be made widely available to the Cornell community and general public, and that no decision be made on the lifting the moratorium until the Cornell administration and the Cornell community has adequate time to review the recommendations of the committee.

Respectfully submitted,

University Sustainability Committee:

Voting members In Favor:
Fil Eden (Student Assembly representative); Fred Cowett (GPSA representative); Jeannine Crouse (EA representative); Prof. Zellman Warhaft (Faculty Senate representative); Prof. Frank DiSalvo (Center for a Sustainable Future); Daniel Roth (Cornell Sustainability Coordinator)

Non-voting member, in favor:
Martin Hatch (UA representative and Chair)

Abstaining Voting member:
Bert Bland (Office of Environmental Compliance and Sustainability)

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715