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20091028 R 8

R 8 Resolution Regarding Joint Assemblies Multicultural Issues Committee

Whereas the Joint Assemblies Multicultural Issues Committee (the Committee) is a jointly chartered, standing committee of the Student Assembly and the University Assembly;

Whereas the Committee has been dormant for several years;

Whereas several interested undergraduate students have expressed interest in reconvening the committee;

Whereas the membership requirements currently stipulated in the University Assembly Charter (the Charter) proscribe the appointment of most interested students and severely restrict whom the Committee may designate to chair;

Be it therefore resolved that Article 8, Section 3 of the Charter be amended to read as follows:

“The Joint Assemblies Multicultural Issues Committee (JAMIC) shall report to the Student Assembly (SA) and University Assembly (UA) and shall have twenty voting members, consisting of eleven undergraduate students, including all members of the Student Assembly serving in seats allocated to underrepresented groups and at least one other voting member of SA or undergraduate voting member of UA; three graduate or professional students, four employees, and two members of the faculty. The Vice Provost for Diversity & Faculty Development shall serve as an ex-officio member of JAMIC. All members shall be appointed as appropriate by the SA and UA for one-year terms beginning May 1 and may be reappointed. A quorum shall consist of one-half of the seated members. The committee shall elect its own chair or co-chairs.”

Be it further resolved that subsections of Article 8, Section 3 be preserved in their current state;

Be it finally resolved that a copy of this resolution be submitted to the Student Assembly so it may adopt a charge for the Committee consistent with the charge provided in this resolution.

Respectfully Submitted,

Adam Nicoletti
Undergraduate Representative

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109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

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