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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

R. 5 Resolution to Establish Childcare Services Subcommittee of Family Services Committee

As approved on Wednesday, 5 September 2007.

Whereas, Article X, Section 9.3 of the charter charges the Family Services Committee of the assembly with responsibilities concerning this authority; and,

Whereas, the university has recently committed itself to establish a daycare center with capacity for 150 children to open in fall of 2008; and,

Whereas, community oversight of and feedback on the proposed center and any other centers that may be established in the future will be vital to the centers’ value to the community;

Whereas, the assembly anticipates the need for a separate subcommittee to advise and report to the Family Services Committee concerning childcare services at least for the current academic year; and,

Whereas, Article VII, Section 1 of the charter permits committees of the assembly to establish subcommittees to delegate business handled within the committees; and,

Whereas, Article VII, Section 1 further requires approval of the assembly for the establishment of subcommittees that include individuals who are not members of the assembly; and,

Be it therefore resolved that the assembly approves the establishment of a subcommitee known as the “Childcare Services Subcommittee” of the Family Services Committee and charges it as follows:

9.3.1 Subcommittee on Childcare Services
The committee is charged to identify needs of the university community concerning childcare services, to study proposals brought by members of the university community or administration to meet those needs, and to advise the Family Services Commitee, the assembly, the Vice-President of Human Resources, and other senior members of the university administration concerning such proposals.
The subcommittee consists of thirteen voting members. The constituent assemblies appoint a total eight voting members from their respective constituencies in the following number: Student Assembly may appoint one, the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly may appoint two, the Employee Assembly may appoint three, and the Faculty Senate may appoint two. The President may appoint a total of five voting members who shall be local community experts in subjects related to childcare, childhood development, and the charge of the committee.
The following serve as non-voting members of the committee: one liaison appointed by University Assembly from its members and up to three appointed by the President of the university to serve as liaisons from related administrative units.

Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be distributed to Mary George Opperman, Vice-President of Human Resources, and David J. Skorton, the President of the University; and,

Be it finally resolved that should this resolution be approved by the President, that the Chair of the assembly shall contact the leaders of the Student Assembly, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, Employee Assembly, and Faculty Senate and the President of the university to request that the committee be staffed as promptly as possible.

Respectfully Submitted,

Abraham Stroock Faculty Representative, University Assembly

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