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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

December 1, 1999 Agenda

University Assembly
December 1, 1999
International Lounge, Willard Straight Hall
4:30–6:00 PM

  1. Call to Order, 1 minute
  2. Additions to the Agenda, 1 minute
  3. Report from the Chair, 5 minutes
    1. Assemblies Leadership Breakfast Meeting, November 16, 1999
    2. Judicial Administrators Annual Report
  4. Approval of Minutes, 2 minutes
    1. October 27, 1999
  5. Open Forum, 5 minutes
  6. Business of the Day, 5:00–5:45
    1. Campus Climate Committee Statement on Diversity & Inclusion, Dawn Darby and Peter Schwartz, Member Campus Climate Committee
  7. Old Business, 10 minutes
    1. Endorsement of Campus Climate Committee Statement on Diversity & Inclusion
    2. Holiday Observances Resolution — Josh Halpern
  8. Constituent Assemblies Reports, 3 minutes
    1. Faculty Senate
    2. Employee Assembly
    3. Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
    4. Student Assembly
  9. New Business, 20 minutes
    1. Transportation Resolution — Uzo Asonye
  10. University Assembly Committee Reports, 10 minutes
    1. Assemblies System Review, Gary Brandt
    2. Campus Planning, Linda Clougherty
    3. Campus Store, Uzo Asonye
    4. Codes & Judicial, Caroline Salas-Humara
    5. Committee on Committees, Gary Brandt
    6. CURW, Josh Halpern
    7. Financial Aid Review, Rong Fan
    8. Health Services, Mike Kalogiannis
    9. Minority & Third World Affairs, Katie Mayo
    10. Transportation Advisory, Brian Goodell
  11. Adjournment

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109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715