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20121127 Minutes
ResLife 11/27 Meeting Minutes
I. Announcements
- Prof. Bell at Next Meeting — specializes in training (ILR)
- Next Meeting - Tuesday (of study week), Dec. 4 @ 4:30
II. Training Resources�What resources (faculty, programs, etc) exist on-campus that could assist in creating effective training programs?
- Nick, Rebecca, Scott
- Professor Sean Way and Professor Bruce Tracey (Hotel School)
- Will provide resources on how to better evaluate RA training practices
- Willing to come in and talk with ResLife
- Way suggests using a strategic approach in evaluating training (focus on feedback and testing)
- ILR website breaks it down on who specializes on training & development So good reference to use
- Could be an opportunity for research experiment by professors or students Cornell would love this
III. Peer Institutions�What are some of the best practices of our peer institutions in regards to residential staff training?
- William, Gillian, Ben, Eliza
- Look at top institutions in regards to college housing
- Princeton
- Different houses like West → family feel
- Yale
- RA and House Deans (not the same as academic deans)
- Deans of each house do lots of in-house programming and training of RA
- Residential college system (like Harvard, Chicago, Rice)
- Harvard
- Elves are graduate students who help out
- RF (residential fellows) are students like RA
- Similar to west campus → family/community feel
- Indiana school
- Sophomore advisor (peer person)
- Junior year focus on programming, etc.
- Finally become RA as third year
- Brown
- Leadership institute that is provided during summer
- Stanford
- Must pass RA class during spring quarter (2 credits)
- Princeton
IV. Key Staff�What other staff members or groups should be involved in this discussion? What will they add?
- Mark, Elaine, Blaise, Iyore
- Key Staff/Groups
- RHD’s
- Heads of Intercultural Dialogue Center and similar centers on campus
- Gannett
- Police
- West Campus assistant deans (for helpful insight)
- Academic advisors
- Faculties in Residence/Faculty Fellows
V. Summary of Discussion
- Academics and residential life feel very separate; should try and tie them together
because both play primary roles in creating college experience (especially first year)
- Should be able to go back “home” and have all kinds of collegiate resources there (i.e. what classes should I take?, how should I pursue my future career dreams?, etc.)
- Graduate fellows? Professors holding office hours in residential halls?
- Consider academic discipline of individuals when placing them as RA (so can
avoid having 8 engineer RA’s in Low Rise 6)
SA Res Life Shortcuts
Contact SA Res Life
109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182
Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F