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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

New Policies Spring 2007

Speaker/Performer Travel
Per-mile travel for speakers and performers is now $0.485.
The SAFC switched its preferred copy partner from Kinko’s to Olin Library Copy Center and Gnomon Copy Center. Gnomon charges more for copying ($.0325 per page versus $.03 per page at Olin), but Copies made at Gnomon copy center will be funded at the Olin rate.
Engagement Agreements
SAFC will not accept contracts in applications. Organizations may not sign engagement agreements or contracts until funding is secured. A Letter of Intent is the only appropriate agreement that an organization should sign with a speaker or performer when applying for SAFC funds. SAO requires organizations preparing contracts for $1,000 or more to attend a workshop and allow SAO to review the contract before signing.
Club Sports
All club sports must register with Lisa M. Deuel,, and the Club Sports Council in order to be eligible for funding.
Travel events
For more than 4 people to attend, official documentation explicitly explaining why more than 4 students are needed to attend and then exactly how many students are needed to attend the event is required (e.g. a separate signed note from advisor, or printout of tournament website, explaining the additional number of students needed).
Notes From the SAFC
  • The President and Treasurer’s Handbook supersedes any information given by an individual commissioner or staff member by word of mouth.
  • Groups will only be allowed to bring at most 4 people as representation to budget hearings. For co-organized budgets, up to 6 people are allowed. At least 1 undergraduate must be present to represent their group at the budget hearing. Only 1 additional non-undergraduate member of the group, an advisor, graduate student or alumnus, may attend the budget hearing.
  • Any organization whose members receive academic credit for participation in organization activities is not eligible to receive SAFC funding even if the members decline academic credit.
  • See the new appeals section in the President and Treasurer’s handbook.
Internal Document
a document that is specifically for internal circulation.
A written agreement between your club and an outside individual or group confirming that they will provide a product/service at a certain time for a certain cost. You should never sign a contract before you have secured funds.

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116