This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.
20100201 Minutes
Student Assembly Finance Commission
February 1, 2010
5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall
I. Call to Order
The Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
- Commissioners
- Anna Connors, Emlyn Diakow, Charlie Feng, Danielle Fernandes, Benjamin Finkle, Jacob Frank, Dan Gusz, Kristen Jenkins, George Kang, Charles Kim, Rahul Kishore, Lawrence Kogos, Jason Marder, Justin Min, Yuliya Neverova, Joseph Nocciolino, Vivien Pillet, Scott Rog, Robin Shapiro, Kevin Song, Mack Wallace, David Wong, Phoebe Yu, and Jessica Zhao
- Club Sports Representatives
- Annie Linker, Katherine Lange
III. Business of the Day
Budget hearing sign-ups/ Cheat sheet revision/ Commissioner pairing
D. Gusz asked the commissioners to sign up for 5 out of the 6 budget hearing sessions that would be taking place this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He clarified that the times would be from 4:30 to 6:15 in the evening, with a dinner break, after which the hearings would resume from 7:30 to 8:15.
R. Kishore talked about some of the dinner options for this week.
D. Gusz asked the commissioners to go over their guidelines notes before the hearings.
J. Marder went over some of information covered in the study guide, such as the rules for engagement fees, maximum allocations, rates for speaker travel versus student travel, event documentation, speaker confirmation, durable goods documentation, funds for books, price per entry fee, and first semester versus second semester groups.
D. Gusz asked if the new commissioners had any questions about how budget hearings work. He told everyone to be arrive at 4:15, since the hearings would start at 4:30.
IV. Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Valerie Pocus
SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies
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Contact SAFC
Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116