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20080915 Minutes

Student Assembly Finance Commission
September 15th, 2008
5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Lee Blum, Jack Castle, Cailen Casey, David Chu, Celeste Chung, Maddie Ehrlich, Charlie Feng, Danielle Fernandes, Stanley Gartshein, Varun Gehani, Chris Hilbert, Ian Lesyk, Michael McCormick, Shirley McCrohan, Taylor Mulherin, Yulia Neverova, Lauren Nicola, Jonathan Raymond, Scott Rog, Benjamin Schreff, Wai Kin Wong, Cathy You, Huiling Yu, Alex James, Lauren Jennings, Vivien Pillet, Lauren Rosenblum, Cameron Scott

III. Business of the Day

Budget Hearing Sign-up/ Oath of Office/ Vote for Varun and Jon/ Budget Hearings and Etiquette

J.Castle started off the meeting by going over the schedule for the budget weekend, and passed around budget-hearing sign-ups.

T.Mulherin told the remaining people to sign and turn in their Oath of Office in time for the budget hearings.

J.Castle announced that executive board terms for V.Gehani and J.Raymond had just ended, and they must be voted on to remain in their positions.

V.Gehani and J.Raymond left the room.

The assembly made a unanimous vote to keep V.Gehani and J.Raymond to remain in office.

V.Gehani and J.Raymond re-entered the room.

J.Castle asked that everyone be on time for the hearings on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday which would be taking place at the International Lounge in Willard Straight Hall. He said that the commissioners should be present at least 30 minutes before the hearing. He added that breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be served, and reminded everyone to wear their T-shirts.

T. Mulherin stressed the importance of professionalism, and added that any misconduct could be reported in the Daily Sun.

I.Lesyk asked that the commissioners remain calm, as the hearings could sometimes become very heated.

T.Mulherin reminded everyone to bring their binders and be well-versed in the policies.

J.Castle said that if a group had forgotten a signature or piece of documentation, they could turn it in at a later time and still receive 25% off the amount they requested. He added that it was better if they turned in their documentation in as soon as possible or by the end of the week.

T.Mulherin told the commissioners not to give definite answers on whether or not a group will receive funding.

J. Castle added that a commissioner can refer a group to the website where alternate sources of funding could be found. He said that it would be helpful if the commissioners write down the questions and amount of funding asked by the groups.

I.Lesyk said that he would order Italian food for Thursday night to accommodate all the commissioners.

J. Castle asked if there were any questions.

IV. Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Valerie Pocus
SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

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Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

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fx. (607) 255–1116