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20080204 Minutes

SAFC Meeting Minutes DRAFT Monday, February 4th, 2008 5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. 163 Day Hall I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call Commissioners 02/04/08 Samuel Bendix P John Castle P Cailen Casey P Si Chang P Luke Chernosky P David Chu P Celeste Chung A Ming Dang P Adam Dix P Kelsey Donahue P Elyse Feldman A Danielle Fernandes P Benjamin Finkle P Stanley Gartshein P Varun Gehani A Marian Heller P Chris Hilbert P Jennifer Hsu A Josh Kim P Taylor Mulherin A Thomas Murray A Yuliya Neverova P Michael Parry P Cesar Rufo A Jonathan Raymond P Alex Saltman A Benjamin Schreff P Stephanie Wickham P Huiling Yu P

III. Business of the Day

Budget Hearings

J. Castle asked that if any of the commissioners see other commissioners on campus, they should remind them that coming to meetings is very important. He then said that tomorrow is the budget take-in day, and that if any commissioners had any free time, they should come help out. The take-in is occurring from 9am to 4pm in Willard Straight Hall. He passed around a sign-up sheet for people to sign up on. He also said that budget hearings are this weekend, and they begin on Thursday starting from 430pm to 930pm.

J. Raymond added that breakfast would be at 9:30am on Saturday.

J. Castle asked that all commissioners show up about 45 minutes early if they can, but certainly not late. He added that the SAFC is very short staffed this year, so experienced commissioners will be paired with new commissioners. He also asked that all commissioners wear their SAFC shirt, and if a person has lost theirs to please contact him.

D. Fernandes said that dinner on Thursday will be Taste of Thai express, Friday will be Joe’s, and Saturday we will have breakfast and lunch by Jimmy John’s.

J. Castle went on to say that the student travel rate has now moved up to 25.25 cents per mile, so if any commissioners are reviewing budgets, he asked that they change the funding to reflect this change.

M. Heller asked where this new money would be coming from.

J. Castle said that it wouldn’t be new money, just funds would be allocated differently to reflect the new high gas prices. He asked if Mr. Chernosky had any suggestions for budget hearing weekend.

L. Chernosky said that Mr. Castle should give a run-through of the budget hearing format.

J. Castle said that there would be 6 tables set up with three to four commissioners at each table (experienced with non-experienced). He said that commissioners should look at the budget packet and check group’s documentation before they even come in the room. After the group is let in the room, he said the commissioners should ask the group questions about the budget, and walkthrough the budget with the group to make sure everything is correct. He said that after all of the group’s budgets are done, they are to allocate for their groups. He added that some years the SAFC gets done early, but probably not this year due to the lack of commissioners. Lastly, he asked that new commissioners pay attention to the older commissioners while they go through the budgets.

J. Neverova asked if this year there would be enough laptops.

J. Raymond responded by saying probably not.

K. Donahue added that it was ok for new commissioners to feel overwhelmed during the first few hearings, and that it was also ok for the new commissioners to not say anything during the first few.

J. Castle said that the budget hearing weekend was not bad, and generally fun. He ended by saying that commissioners should try and stop by the budget turn-in and help out.

IV. Meeting ended at5:15 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Daniel Kantor SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116