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2005913 Minutes

Student Assembly Finance Commission
September 13th, 2005
5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Jeffrey Cohan, Jillian Dorans, Michael Eisner, Liz Falcone, Erica Fischer, Lisa Gilbertson, Sorby Grant, David Lederman, Sean MacGregor, Raj Maniam, Scottie McQuilkin, Nadia Ormsby, Spencer Pepper, Dana Sckolnick, Caitlin Shetter, Eric Schulman, Kate-Lynn Timmermans, Evan Walker, Marissa Wilson, Soyeon-Yu, Joey Zielinski

III. Business of the Day

Gas Mileage/ Hearings

D. Lederman announces that Phela Townsend has resigned.

L. Falcone asked if everyone was their shirts and binders, and the reply was a collective yes. She next asked if everyone has signed their oath of office, and again the reply was yes.

D. Lederman moved on to talk about the vote for a policy change with regards to the current gas prices. He gives a quick overview: The SAFC wants to raise the rates of funding for mileage to $0.15 per mile, vs. the old rate of $0.10 per mile. He then goes on to say that if this is voted yes, and the SA approves it this Thursday, it will affect this weekends budget hearings, so recalculate each groups funding.

L. Falcone also mentions that the IRS raised the speaker rate as well.

L. Falcone next talks about the cons for the raise in gas funding: it will take money away from the other groups, and limit the overall money each group can receive.

J. Zielinski said that this was nice, but since the SAFC already has very little money to start out with, it isn’t such a good idea to cut into that money.

E. Shulman asked how much of an overall increase this would case.

D. Lederman replied “I have no idea”.

K. Timmermans said that this would make the SAFC look better from a strictly PR stand point.

D. Lederman said that it is a good idea to keep the policies in par with what is going on in the world.

S. Grant also mentioned that the idea of raising the gas funding has always been on the back burner, but now with the hurricane it is more prevalent.

-A vote is then called: 18 votes in favor of the new bill, 2 votes against, and Ms. Falcone abstaining.

-While clerk is counting the votes L. Gilbertson talks about liaisons and their groups.

D. Lederman announces that the gas funding bill has passed 18–2, so it will be brought to the SA on Thursday. He said that he will let all the commissioners know on Thursday whether or not the SA passed the bill.

L. Falcone moved on to the hearings this weekend. She mentioned that the sign-ups were last week, and they don’t have enough people working all the shifts.

N. Ormsby asked if she could change her shifts from Saturday.

L. Falcone encouraged the commissioners to talk to Ms. Timmermans about picking up more shifts, especially if anyone is looking to be an E-board member next year.

K. Timmermans said “Please help”.

E. Walker asked “When are we understaffed?”

D. Lederman replied “Thursday and Friday”.

D. Lederman also asked the commissioners to move their shifts, because it looks very bad.

L. Falcone said that it makes the SAFC look very bad when no one is there.

D. Lederman asked that everyone look/act very professional. He also asked that Ms. Grant wear her shirt. Next he said that if a commissioner signs up for a slot, and doesn’t show up; there will be very bad consequences. Finally, he added that everyone needs to bring their binders and that if anyone has a question, to please find him or Ms. Falcone.

L. Falcone added that either she or Mr. Lederman will always be able to help.

K. Timmermans asked that every commissioner review the presidents/treasurer’s handbook. She also asked that commissioners do not “�lose any clothing or look at any inappropriate websites” while they are working. She again reiterated that people need to keep their clothes on.

L. Falcone asked that if anyone could not make it on time that they email Ms. Timmermans as soon as possible.

D. Lederman next gave out his cell phone number: 917–536–0831.

L. Falcone also gave out her phone number: 925–708–7403.

K. Timmermans asked that the commissioners treat all groups evenly, and “�do not ever call Tim Lim”.

S. Grant asked if the dance groups were allowed to dance like last year.

L. Falcone answered that you need to encourage them not to.

L. Falcone finally added that members of the SA will be able to come. They will be SA observers and as such, cannot talk at all during the meetings, but they can take notes. They also need to leave if they have any relations to the group that is seated.

D. Lederman added that people need to sign up for another shift and that the final list will be emailed out.

K. Timmermans finally added that “�you don’t get any points for zero funding a group, so recheck your reasoning.”

IV. Meeting ended at 5:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Kantor
SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116