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20051003 Minutes

Student Assembly Finance Commission
October 3rd, 2005
5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Jillian Dorans, Liz Falcone, Erica Fischer, Lisa Gilbertson, Sorby Grant, Steve Hecht, David Lederman, Raj Maniam, Scottie McQuilkin, Kate Miller, Nadia Ormsby, Dana Sckolnick, Eric Schulman, Evan Walker , Marissa Wilson, Soyeon-Yu, Joey Zielinski

III. Business of the Day

Ideas for SAFC Policy Changes

L. Falcone starts out by thanking the commission for being so efficient during appeals. She then asks the committee if they had any ideas for changes to the SAFC policies.

S. McQuilkin asked if the rules could make it clear that groups need proof of contact so that the SAFC can fund them,

E. Walker mentioned that in the SAFC by-laws internet website are not discussed.

R. Maniam wanted some clarification between airplane tickets and gas mileage.

E. Fisher asked if the rules could be clearer on funding groups going on trips during winter and spring break.

M. Wilson said that we need to make it clearer to club sports that they also need proof for taking more than 8 people to an event. She also said that we shouldn’t fund for banners or decorations for any group.

D. Lederman next said that if anyone feels strongly about any issues, they should write something up and email it to him or Ms. Falcone.

J. Zielinski asked if the SAFC could create a cap on how much groups can ask for.

L. Falcone said that Mr. Zielinski’s idea would have to go through the SA.

K. Nadolny said that she would be holding policy committees to take apart the hand book piece-by-piece. Also, after fall break, she was going to start to focus on getting rid of all duplicate groups. She was going to create a form that anyone can submit explaining to the SAFC why two groups were duplicates. After the entire process, only the original group would be funded. Lastly, she also mentioned that any unethical groups would also be de-funded.

K. Miller asked if the SAFC could clarify shipping costs, as well as take off the alumni column in the budgets.

L. Falcone mentioned that Mike Powers and Peggy Beach are going to have a meeting to hire a trained employee to create a new database. Ms. Falcone asked that if any commissioners had any ideas for the database, they send her whatever the idea was via email by the 17th of October.

K. Nadolny asked if it was possible to get all the commissioners a blank budget from last year to use as a reference.

L. Falcone replied “Yes”.

D. Lederman next mentioned that elections will begin at the beginning of November. If any commissioners are thinking of running, they should start seriously thinking about it and talking to current e-board members.

L. Falcone finally moved on to asking the commissioners to tell her how they felt the e-board was handling things.

S. McQuilkin asked that if the e-board is going to change a deadline if they could tell the commissioners earlier, as well as just keep the commission better informed overall.

S. Grant added that she also felt the need to keep the commissioners better informed was crucial.

L. Falcone said that appeals are on Oct. 12th from 6:30pm to about 9:00pm. She finally added that the SAFC is doing by-line funding on the 17th/18th. If any groups were complaining about funding, the liaisons should invite them to go to the SA meeting to show numbers.

D. Lederman added that the groups should also email him or Ms. Falcone.

L. Falcone concluded by saying that the next meeting is 17th of October, and any commissioners who think they are going to miss it should email Ms. Timmermans with excuses.

IV. Meeting ended at 5:15 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Kantor
SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116