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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.


Student Assembly Finance Commission
August 29, 2005
5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Angad Bhai, Jeffrey Cohan, Jillian Dorans, Michael Eisner, Liz Falcone, Erica Fischer, Lisa Gilbertson,Sorby Grant, Steve Hecht , David Lederman, Sean MacGregor, Raj Maniam, Scottie McQuilkin, Kate Miller, Nadia Ormsby, Spencer Pepper, Carlos Perez, Ashwin Phadins, Caitlin Shetter, Eric Schulman, Anastasiya Sidorva, Riti Singh, Kate-Lynn Timmermans, Phela Townsend, Evan Walker, Marissa Wilson, Soyeon-Yu, Joey Zielinski

III. Business of the Day

Introductions/ Announcements of Dates/Liaisons/Conflicts

D. Lederman started by welcoming all the commissioners and also introduced Liz Falcone as co chair, then the entire SAFC e-board introduced themselves.

L. Falcone introduced the SA e-board: Michelle — VP of finance, Mellisa — Executive VP, and Tim — President.

J. Grogan also introduced himself and said that he was doing a piece on the SAFC for the Minority Affairs group. He was looking for someone on the commission to help him with it. If they wanted to help the meeting would be on September 8th from 4:15pm-5:30pm in Kennedy Auditorium.

-All the SA and Mr. Grogan leave and introductions are then made for all of the commissioners.

D. Lederman moved next to the new t-shirts. He said that they were here but they forgot the trademark on them so they will be available Wednesday. He then proceeded to pass out SAFC binders and papers.

M. Wilson next talked about the training that is going to take place this Saturday, 1pm, in 163 Day Hall. She said that it is mandatory, and that each commissioner needs to go online and fill out and print out a budget for Saturday. This is so that the commissioners can test others as well as themselves. If anyone has to miss this practice session she said they should email Ms. Timmermans to tell her.

D. Lederman moved onto important dates on the SAFC calendar. On September 6–9 there will be help sessions. The budget hearings will be September 15–18. He said that this is the big commitment that everyone has to make. Then appeals are October 1st, but may be changed due to LSATs.

L. Gilbertson said that the list of groups that each commissioner is in charge of will be sent out shortly. She said that if there were any problems that she could accommodate them. She asked that everyone email her back when you’ve contacted all of your groups.

-P. Beach is introduced as the advisor to the SAFC. Her office is directly across from 109 Day Hall.

L. Gilbertson also wanted to mention that if a person has a conflict of interest with any of the groups in which they are the liaison, they have to tell someone, because it is a very serious matter.

K. Timmermans next asked that everyone take out the Oath of Office and sign that. Then take out the Group Affiliation Disclosure and fill that out and pass it to her. She asked that if any commissioner has any other group affiliations that come up later in the semester, they should email her immediately.

L. Falcone lastly mentioned that all the new commissioners must take the President/Treasurer’s test by 9/6. She asked that each commissioner understand it because it will become very valuable during budget hearings and help sessions. Finally she said that when one finished the test, they should email Ms. Timmermans telling her about the completion, and that everyone needs to bring their SAFC binders on Saturday.

D. Lederman added that every one should not take their name tags, and that everyone should stay around for the meet and greet with the food directly behind him.

L. Falcone threw out some last reminders about this Saturday, as well as the President/Treasurer test.

IV. Meeting ended at 5:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Kantor
SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116