This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.
S.A. Appropriations Committee Byline Funding Recommendation: Community Center Councils
2010–2012 Allocation | $3.00 |
2012–2014 Request | $3.00 |
Appropriations Recommendation | $2.00 |
Rationale of the Committee
The Committee appreciated meeting with Community Center Councils and for their prudent request to reduce or cut programming that was not serving as great a purpose as originally expected. The organization requested that the Committee consider dissolving funding for Programming on West! (POW!) which served to unify the West Campus community and provide social, educational and cultural programming. The organization stated that POW!’s programming had recently been diluted due to competition with other West Campus based programming boards & councils. As a result, committee members felt that the $1.00/student allocated to POW! should be cut from Community Center Councils. The Committee also considered reallocating part of the $1.00 to North Campus Programming Council (NCPC). While most committee members felt that NCPC had drastically improved in the last two years in terms of student leadership and quality of programming, many felt that there was not a compelling reason to increase funding to NCPC. Most felt that the organization had not given the committee enough of a tangible plan of where additional SAF funding would be used in the 2012–2014 byline funding cycle. Committee members recommended that NCPC continue to program within its $2.00/student budget and collaborate with diverse student organizations to bolster the promotion of its events. Overall, the Committee thanks the organization for its hard work over the last few years and looks forward to working with it in the future.
Vote Totals
The Committee votes down, from the highest number proposed to the lowest, to give the group the advantage. The vote totals from the Committee were as follows:
Amount | Vote |
$3.00 | 0–9−0 |
$2.25 | 2–7−0 |
$2.00 | 9–0−0 |
Respectfully submitted,
Adam Nicoletti ‘12
Vice President for Finance, Student Assembly
Contact SA
109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
ph. (607) 255—3715