This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.
S.A. Resolution #23: Creating the Club Sports Ad-hoc Committee
Sponsored by: Tom Hayford ‘12, Dan Goldberg ‘14
Whereas, club sport teams represent a fundamental and sizable community at Cornell. These teams, lacking official representation, face numerous challenges regarding finances and resources
Whereas, the club sports community finds itself in an exceptionally extreme situation this year following the 50% decrease in SAFC funding
Whereas, for the continued wellbeing of this community, these problems must be formally addressed
Be it therefore resolved, that Student Assembly create an ad-hoc committee tasked to investigate and address the problems facing club sports teams
Be it further resolved, that this committee will work towards a short term solution to ensure that all teams can continue participating in their respective leagues and conferences during this academic year.
Be it further resolved, that this ad-hoc committee also be tasked with establishing a permanent governing body for club sport teams. Ultimately, the new organization will continue the responsibilities currently held by this ad-hoc committee.
Be it further resolved, that the ad-hoc committee work closely with the athletics department in its investigations and in the development of solutions
Be it further resolved, that the ad-hoc committee includes at least eight representatives from different club teams
Be it finally resolved, that the ad-hoc committee will present its plan in the form of a report to the Student Assembly.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tom Hayford ‘12
Concerned Student
Dan Goldberg ‘14
At-Large Representative, Student Assembly
Contact SA
109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
ph. (607) 255—3715