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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 17

Whereas, project teams a fundamental part of many engineering students’ undergraduate education providing an environment to apply classroom knowledge, build corporate relationships, and connect engineers of different backgrounds and experience in a team environment.

Whereas, project team funding is generated primarily through corporate sponsorship and alumni donations designated specifically for project team use. Several of these donations are directed to the discretionary use of a specific project team. Teams are given allocated quantities of direct funding (to be used at a team’s discretion) and allocated quantities of ancillary funding (to support overhead costs assumed by the College of Engineering).

Whereas, prior to the 2009–2010 funding cycle, overhead costs has been assumed by the College of Engineering and not treated as a separate line item in the funding grant for project teams.

Whereas, the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering defines ancillary funding as money to be, “used in support of [a] team’s operations. This funding represents the cost of supporting [the] team in the Experiential Learning Lab, Emerson, and other facilities.”

Whereas, the amount of money allocated to ancillary support has considerably increased between the 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 funding cycles. This increase in ancillary support would suggest a decrease in direct funding for teams to use at their discretion as direct and ancillary funds share a common source.

Whereas, current team members and faculty advisors for these project teams have no oversight into ancillary funding designated to their teams.

Be it therefore resolved that a full financial breakdown is made available to project team leaders and faculty advisors showing ancillary funding use for the 2009–2010 funding cycle.

Be it further resolved that this budget breakdown clearly show how ancillary funds designated to a team were used to support that team.

Be it further resolved that the rationale for an increase in ancillary fund allocation for the 2010–2011 funding cycle, be presented to team leaders to faculty advisors.

Be it finally resolved that in future funding cycles each team will be presented with proposed ancillary funding budget for the upcoming term and the financial record concerning actual ancillary fund spending from the previous term.

Be it also resolved that, if passed, this document be presented to the Dean of the College of Engineering, the Director of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and the Director of the Experiential Learning Lab.

Respectfully submitted,

Scott Pendleton ‘11
Engineering Representative

Adam Yozwiak ‘11
Engineering Representative

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715