This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.
Resolution 14 SA Spending Guidelines
Whereas, spending from budgeted line items can be classified as category spending and spending from the “Special Projects” line item can be classified as special projects funding;
Whereas, there are currently no spending guidelines that exist to provide clarification or order to SA spending;
Whereas, the Vice President for Finance is charged with ensuring the smooth financial operation of the SA as its acting treasurer;
Be it therefore resolved, that the following be inserted into the current standing rules:
Section IV: Spending Guidelines
Category Spending:
Rule 1
In order for a disbursement of budgeted funds to be made, either the SA President or the Vice President for Finance must approve it. The Vice President for Finance is responsible for classifying the expenditure into a budget category.
Rule 2
Any reallocation of funds between categories of the budget or spending of the budget surplus must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Appropriations Committee followed by a majority vote of the Student Assembly, at large.
Special Projects funding:
Rule 3
The Student Assembly may choose to fund any project, program or service through SA Special Projects that it deems to improve the quality of undergraduate student life or to further the goals of the SA. Special Projects funding is a type of category spending.
Rule 4
Special Projects funding may be requested by any of the following, but not limited to:
- a. Any Cornell registered student organization
- b. SA committee chairs that seek funding for expenditures that exceed their committee’s budgeted allocation
- c. Vendors that are not part of the Cornell community
Rule 5
The SA President and Vice President for Finance together may approve any special projects funding request up to $250 without consultation with the Appropriations Committee. Amounts up to $250 may also be funded by a majority vote of the Appropriations Committee. Requests must be made public at a Student Assembly meeting in the form of an “Announcement/Report” before being approved. Any SA voting member can motion for the request to be sent to the Appropriations Committee if they feel necessary.
Rule 6
The Appropriations Committee shall decide upon special projects requests over $250 and under $1500 by a majority vote. The SA, at large, may reverse an Appropriations Committee decision to fund amounts over $250 by a two-thirds vote.
Rule 7
Requests $1500 and over shall be decided upon by a majority vote of the Appropriations Committee and confirmed by a majority vote of the Student Assembly, at large. The SA, at large, is only required to confirm requests of $1500 or greater.
Rule 8
The Vice President for Finance shall present a written report to the SA, at large, each time a special projects disbursement is made.
Respectfully submitted,
Adam Nicoletti ‘12
CALS Representative
Vice President for Finance
Contact SA
109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
ph. (607) 255—3715