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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 25, 2010 Agenda

Cornell University Student Assembly
February 25, 2010
Willard Straight Hall, Memorial Room

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Open Microphone
V. Announcements/Reports

  • 1. Office Hours- Rammy Salem
  • 2. Relay for Life- Adam Gitlin
  • 3. JAMIC- Nikhil Kumar
  • 4. Elections Committee�Nikki Junewicz
  • 5. AAP Update-Ulysses Smith
  • 6. North Campus Garbage Cans Update�Adam Gitlin
  • 7. Upcoming Speech by Gov. Luis Fortu�o- Ray Mensah
  • 8. Strategic Planning- University Librarian Anne Kenney
  • 9. 2010 Housing Lottery- Barb Romano, Campus Life
  • 10. Student Assembly Website Update- Phoebe Yu and Chuck Moyes

VI. Unfinished Business

  • 1. R. 46- Making the Swim Test Optional- Rammy Salem
  • 2. R. 49- New Group Application Review Committee- Vincent Andrews

VII. New Business

  • 1. R. 34: Amendment- Clarification of at-large Seats�Matt Danzer
  • 2. R. 50- Requiring Deans to Speak at SA Meetings�Ulysses Smith and Rammy Salem
  • 3. R. 52- Resolution in Support of the Student Statement on the Right to Research�Roneal Desai
  • 4. R. 54- Removing the Charter Test for SA Members�Alex Cowen and Nikhil Kumar
  • 5. R. 55- Charter Amendments�Alex Cowen and Nikhil Kumar

VIII. Adjournment

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715