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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

October 8, 2009 Meeting

R.13 Housing Lottery Time Slots

Originally Presented On:October 8, 2009
Sponsors:Nikhil Kumar
Subject of Resolution:Housing Lottery Time Slots
Type of Action:Legislaton
Status/Result:New Business

Whereas, Section 1.1 of the Student Assembly charter states that:
1.1 Legislative Authority Over Policies
The Student Assembly (herein after referred to as the SA) will have legislative authority over the policies of the Department of Campus Life and the Office of the Dean of Students, and have the authority to review the budgets and actions of said departments.

Whereas, the assigned timeslots for the 2009 housing lottery were:

  • On-campus rising seniors - March 2, 4–9pm
  • On-campus rising juniors - March 3, 4–10pm
  • On-campus rising sophomores - March 4, 4–10pm & March 5, 4–10pm
  • Students living off campus - March 6, 4–6pm

Whereas, it is currently Cornell’s policy to guarantee on-campus housing for rising sophomores.

Be it therefore resolved, that Cornell Department of Campus Life reassign housing lottery time slots so that on-campus rising sophomores get the first set of time slots, followed by on-campus rising juniors, then followed by on-campus rising seniors, and finally followed by students living off-campus.

Respectfully submitted,

Nikhil J. Kumar
Vice President for Internal Operations
Minority Representative at-Large

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715