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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 12, 2009 Meeting

Dear Transfer Student,

The Student Assembly Committee on Transfer Affairs would like to gauge your opinion concerning the first year living situation for transfer students. We are asking you to answer ten simple questions, so that we may better focus our housing initiatives on what matters to you.

Please take a moment to fill out the survey, for your input will potentially help to improve the quality of life for all transfers to come.

Andrew Brokman
Student Assembly, Transfer Representative At-Large
Chair, Student Assembly Committee on Transfer Affairs

SURVEY: Cornell Transfers (Matriculated Fall 2008/Spring 2009)*
Student Assembly Committee On Transfer Affairs

When I transferred to Cornell University, I lived:
Collegetown Residential Halls (Cascadilla or Sheldon Court)
West Campus House System (Cook, Becker, Bethe, Keeton, Rose/House 5)
TownhousesFreshmen Residential Hall
Program Houses
Other (please specify)

2. I transferred to Cornell University during: Pick Semester

3. My transfer living experience at Cornell University was:
Somewhat Positive
Somewhat Negative

4. As a transfer student, the interactions I had with the following people were: Very Supportive
Neither Supportive nor Unsupportive
Very Unsupportive
Not Applicable

My Living Community
Other Transfer Students\\ Other Transfer Students Very Supportive Other Peers
My Resident Advisor/ Student Assistant/ Graduate Residence Fellow
My Resident Advisor/ Student Assistant/ Graduate Residence Fellow Very Supportive
Residence Hall Director/ House Dean
Residence Hall Director/ House Dean Very Supportive

5. Check all that apply:
I am/was involved with at least one on-campus extracurricular activity.
I hold/ have held at least one leadership position in an on-campus extracurricular activity.
I hold/have held at least one on-campus academic leadership position.
I am/was a Resident Advisor/ Student Assistant on campus.
In the future, I see myself being involved in one or more on-campus academic or extracurricular leadership positions.
Other (please specify)

6. As a result of my first year living situation, my experiences in the following were: Greatly Enhanced
Not Affected
Greatly Hindered

Transition to Cornell
Social Networks
Leadership Roles\\ Leadership Roles
Transfer Pride

7. In my opinion, having a Transfer Program where transfers have the option to live together, have support staff and transfer targeted services is:
Desirable but non essential
Not Essential
Other (please specify)

8. Complete the following statements: All transfer students
Mostly transfer students and some non transfer students
Some transfer students and mostly non transfer students\\ All non transfer students
Not Applicable at this time

In my first semester, I live(d) with:
In subsequent semesters, I live(d) with:
I mostly study/studied with:
I mostly socialize with:

9. I believe that during a transfer student’s first year, living in a community with other transfers is:
Important but not essential
Not Important

10. Please share any of your experiences as a transfer student:

  • The transfer survey for students who matriculated before Fall 2008 is exactly the same, except the first two questions, which ask for demographics and class year. The e-mail sent to these transfer students will also be exactly the same except the weblink will be,

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715