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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

March 25, 2009 Minutes

In Attendance

  • Brian Forster, Chair, GPSA Student Advocacy Committee
  • Jay Worley, Student Advocacy Committee Member
  • Melissa Hardstone, Transportation Advisory Committee Member
  • Amy Richter, Child Care Sub-committee Member
  • Mario Roman, Student Advocacy Committee Member
  • Cresten Mansfeldt, Co-Chair, GPSA Charter Ad-Hoc Committee

Meeting Began at 5:35

B. Forster began with a PowerPoint presentation updating the committee on

  • Running off and postering the flyers made by J. Worley
  • The Open Forum advertisement running at the Big Red Barn’s Message Board
  • Running off of the raffle tickets used to encourage students to visit multiple “issue” tables.
  • Showing the breakdown of who will be stationed at each table at the Open Forum to be held on Monday, March 30th.

M. Hardstone asked if there were any further details about the SAGES visit. B. Forster reported that SAGES had to apply for the money from the GPSAFC since the Student Advocacy Committee was not a student group; while SAGES is.

The remainder of the meeting had the committee breaking up and working on the posters which will identify each “issue” table at the Open Forum. Posters will be stored in B. Forster’s office. Information requested to be on the posters were:

(image not included in web version of minutes)

Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.

Respectively Submitted,

GPSA Student Advocacy Committee 2008–2009

Contact GPSA Student Advocacy

109 Day Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715