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November 18, 2013 Minutes

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
November 18, 2013
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Bache Auditorium, Malott Hall

I. Welcome and Introductions (1 minute)

  1. Introduction of voting members, 1 min.

Voting members present: D. Bunck, A. Bybee-Finley, M. Carignano, M. Chen, G. Danies Turano, J. De Castro, F. Doerflinger, M. Dumas, S. Hsieh, A. M’nebhi, A. Moore, E. Murnane, E. Newbury, A. Powell, S. Sinha, I. Small, T. Sorg, C Yao,

Voting members absent: Siddhartha Sinha

II. Approval of the Minutes

  1. November 11, 2013, 1 min.

B. Kreuser proposed to change the funding of Big Red Barn too $11.75 from $11.74 as written in the minutes. Minutes were approved as corrected.

III. Guests, 15 min.

  1. Barbara Knuth, Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School

She shared the goal of the Graduate School that is to enhance the intellectual life of the university by enabling the graduate and professional students to undertake scholarly study and advanced research and to prepare for professional work. She specifically wanted to share what the Graduate School has planned for the upcoming year rather than what they did last year. She also shared that the Graduate School has 23 individuals overseeing 16 degrees and 100 graduate fields and they try to focus on visibility.

The Office has seven new goals and initiatives to support and help the graduate school that include

1. Improving services for and communication with graduate community

  • “milestone” notifications to students such as scheduling A exams
  • Ask Ezra
  • Student petitions

2. Increase visibility internally and externally.

  • Graduate announcements go out weekly

3. Enhance financial support for graduate education

  • Grant support, fundraising to support programs and fellowships

4. Improve graduate programs through assessment

  • Field-based learning outcomes
  • Student surveys (admitted, new, PhD experience, Exit)
  • Alumni career outcomes surveys

5. Foster a more diverse student body

  • New Destinations programs

6. Enhance graduate student and post doc professional development

  • Writing programs

7. Enhance graduate student and post doctorate student life

She then opened the floor to questions and concerns.

IV. New Business

1. R. 4 � A Resolution to Amend the GPSA Charter and Bylaws to Change the Term of Appropriations Committee Chair, 5 min.

The resolution talked about changing the charter in byline funding. B. Kreuser explained that the position of appropriation chair should have elections at the end of fall semester so individual can start his/her term on January 1st. It’ll buffer the learning curve and allow increased time to become familiar with position responsibilities. Since this is a change in the bylaws, it was introduced in one meeting, and will be voted on during the next meeting.

2. R. 5 � Recommendation for the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee for 2014�2016, 90 mins.

M. Dumas explained that to pass resolution, 2/3 (13 people) votes will be require and to pass an amendment, a majority will be required. B. Kreuser commended his appropriations committee for their hard work in going through all the applications and M. Dumas thanked the committee for their diligent work. The resolution was then opened up to formal debate.

Rose Agger proposed that the fee allocation for Cornell Cinema be increased to $10.60. Tim Sorg questioned what would be gained from adding the 50 cents. Mary Fessenden, Director of the Cornell Cinema, clarified that the extra 50 cents would help continue some of the activities. Micaela Carignano said that since we do not have the information of how the increase in their prices changes their attendance, we cannot recommend to them to change their fee by 50 cents. Shoan Yin Cheung said she has been receiving emails to retain $10.60 since by cutting their funding cuts down on the arts. C. Yao expressed her support for the amendment, especially since it puts them at parity at SA. One of the reasons given was that Cornell Cinema has instituted new changes and, therefore, deserves the money. Jeffrey Bergfalk said he is in support of Cornell Cinema that continues to impress people and stressed that Cinema offers entertainment, social attending, and academic excellence. Cornell Cinema is a vital resource in terms of academic excellence.

Todd Snider expressed his opposition to the amendment since he doesn’t believe students are getting their money’s worth in the form of subsidiaries. Nathan Koskella believes the number $10.60 is arbitrary because it matches the SA and he stressed they aren’t the same bodies with same populations. Kristie Schlauraff supports the amendment since art and education is not quantifiable and cannot be looked at in terms of numbers. The Humanities department cannot afford to fund it themselves. There was a motion to close discussion and call the question that passed 13–3. It was followed by a vote amendment to change Cinema’s allocation to $10.60 from $10.05. Motion did not pass by a vote of 10–6.

C. Yao spoke in favor of increasing Cornell Cinema funding.

Alex Moore proposed a motion on behalf of Nicole Baran to send resolutions to the various Deans of Students. Todd Snider seconded this. There was a call to question and the motion passed with a vote of 16–0.

Mia Tootill proposed amendment that GPSAFC be funded at $31.35 and Tim Sorg seconded this. Alex Moore spoke against the proposed amendment since raising the total activity fee to make a temporary thing into something permanent is not a good thing. Max Chen is against increasing student activity fee by $3 but not against increasing the allotment of the GPSAFC. He clarified that adjustments in other allocations would have to made to get those $3. C. Yao is in support to this to ensure than the GPSAFC does not run out of money before the end of the year. Franziska Doerflinger clarified that the FC could use more money since not all deserving organizations get funded. Bill Kreuser clarified that most students asked during a survey want the fee to be cut and they want to prevent the exponential increase. Alex Moore proposed motion to call the question and Snider seconded this. Motion did not pass by a vote of 7–8.

Nathan Koskella disagrees with the recommendation since it is not feasible to inform constituents of a $3 increase in activity fees to increase the funding of the FC. Mia Tootill said that only 55% of organizations that request funding are being funded which is not substantial. F.Doerflinger is against funding and wants to keep it at 35% of the total activity fee since it is an impossible task to attempt to fund every student group on campus. The GPSA voted on changing GPSAFC allocation to $31.30. Vote did not pass 14–1.

A point of clarification was offered that GPSAFC must be funded at 35% of the activity fee and the total activity fee must be a whole number.

Todd Snider proposed that the allocation for Cornell Cinema be brought down to $10 from $10.05 since it will bring down total activity fee to a whole number. Lindsay Jordan, member of the appropriations committee, shared that Cornell Cinema was deemed to have no statistical correlation to happiness and personal satisfaction as opposed to Welcome Weekend and Orientation. Question was called to end discussion and the vote on the motion passed 13–0 with 2 abstentions. The vote on the amendment itself passed 10–4. Cornell Cinema’s allocation was brought down to $10.00.

Serena Hsieh proposed amendment to increase FC funding to $29.35. Chavez said that funding tends to run out in December and he is in favor of the amendment. Mia Tootill stated that the current FC president would favor the amendment. Serena shared her opinion that the FC does a good job at funding organizations and would know best where to allocate the money. Todd Snider is against amendment since FC is doing a good job at determining which organization deserves funding which the current funding and an extra dollar won’t make a significant difference. Bill shared that the FC’s absence in speaking up about the decrease in funding is an indication that they do not need or want the extra money. The motion to change FC funding to $29.35 from $28.35 did not pass with a vote of 14–1 with 1 abstention.

There was a motion to vote on resolution in its entirety that passed 14–1. The resolution was passed with a vote of 13–2 with 1 abstention.

Nicole Baran talked about the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students, which she attended last weekend, and presented a report on the association. The NAGPS talked about the legislative action committee that included topics such as continued funding for education and research. The heavily discussed graduate student loans and policies that affect it. University of Missouri is organizing ‘GradsHaveDebt2.’ One of their goals includes increasing awareness on and through social media and the call-congress event will be held on December 4th. She shared that 10 calls per office are enough to lead to legitimate action. If people have questions, they can contact Nicole.

Monet thanked the appropriation committee for their hard work. Bill thanked everyone for participating in the process and appreciated everyone’s opinion and is glad they were successful in passing the fee.

Respectfully submitted,

Aastha Wadhwa