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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

August 27, 2012

Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
Monday, August 27, 2012
Bache Auditorium, Malott Hall
5:30–7:00 P.M.

I. Welcome

E. Cortens called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM.

Voting Members Present: R. Adra, K. Albert, B. Alkemeyer, N. Baran, Y. Chen, E. Cortens, A. Elliot, J. Keach, A. Nash, E. Newbury, R. Robbins, E. Smith

Voting Members Absent: S. An, J. Ciecholewski, C. Ferkinhoff, M. Hawkins, M. Tootill

Voting Members Late: M. White, C. Wilson

II. Approval of the minutes

B. Alkemeyer made language changes to his statements in the minutes. In addition, A. Nash said C. Heckman responded to her statement and included the response in the minutes. There were no objections to any of these corrections. Without objection, the April 9th minutes were approved.

III. Reports of Officers

a. Executive committee (E. Cortens)

E. Cortens: Still looking for people to serve on the academic integrity advisory board, let him know if you’re interested.

N. Baran gave a quick update on the ad hoc committee�they accepted nominations and she announced the winners of the faculty awards. The awards ceremony will be on May 8th.

b. Appropriations (C. Heckman)

c. Communications (S. An)

d. Finance (M. Tootill)

E. Cortens announced on behalf of M. Tootill the following

1. Deadline for FY13 annual budgets and summer funding requests is Friday April 27th at 4pm 2. Volunteer for the annual funding day! 3. Great way to get experience if you’re thinking about joining the FC next year

e. Student advocacy (R. Robbins)

Second event will be a stress management workshop. The first event was to collect data on issues facing our community and we took the data and worked to hold a stress management workshop on May 3rd at 430–630 Mann 102.

f. Programming Board (Y. Chen)

Still time to get your tickets for Grad Ball, which will be this Friday from 9pm-1am at Lake Watch Inn.

Have 3 spots left for volunteers, you can sign up through our website, volunteers get free admission.

Respectfully submitted,

Allison Bazinet