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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

April 17, 2012 Letter from President Skorton Re: R. 11

Dear Evan:

Thank you for the copy of Resolution 11, updating Byline Procedures and Criteria for Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014 in conjunction with passage of a new graduate and professional student activity fee. I appreciate the GPSA�s diligence in reviewing the document and taking this opportunity to introduce helpful clarifications. I also acknowledge the change in Appendix A regarding individual organization obligations for funding and the requirement that the Slope Day Programming Board provide free admission to all graduate and professional students as a condition of accepting GPSA Byline funding. I recognize the latter has been a point of ongoing discussion between the GPSA and the Slope Day Programming Board. It will be important for the two organizations to work collaboratively to reach an understanding on this issue. I trust that the GPSA will continue to work in good faith with the Slope Day Programming Board to reach a resolution satisfactory to both parties.

A copy of the proposed changes were shared with University Counsel for review. Assistant Dean for Professional Development Tilman Baumstark has received the specific comments from University Counsel and is ready to assist you in incorporating the revisions.

As always, I appreciate the strong leadership of the GPSA and your continuing efforts to improve programming for graduate and professional students.


David Skorton