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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

November 28, 2011

Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
November 28th, 2011
Bache Auditorium, Malott Hall
5:30–7:00 P.M.

I. Welcome & Introductions, 2 min.

N. Baran called the meeting to order at 5:31 P.M.

Voting members present: K. Albert, B. Alkemeyer, N. Baran, Y. Chen, J. Ciecholewski, A. Elliott, C. Ferkinhoff, A. Nash, R. Robbins, M. Tootill

Voting members absent: S. An, M. Hawkins, Y. Izrayelit, J. Keach, E. Smith, C. Wilson

Voting members late: R. Adra, E. Cortens, M. White

II. Approval of the Minutes

1. November 21st, 2011, 1 min.

Without objection, the minutes were approved.

III. Break-Out Session, 32 min.

1. Spring 2012 Agenda.

2. Ideas for the Teaching, Advising, & Mentoring of Graduate & Professional Students.

IV. Guests

1. Mary Ann Krisa, Graduate Residence Manager for Hasbrouck, Thurston & Hughes, 5 min.

M. Krisa spoke about the role of Graduate Community Advisors. They live in Hasbrouck, Thurston, or Hughes, get great benefits, and plan events for the graduate community. There will be information sessions throughout the week for those interested in applying. Applications go live online Wednesday, November 30, 2011. The application deadline is Friday, February 3, 2011. Those with questions should contact M. Krisa at or Mark Houlemarde at

2. David Skorton, President of Cornell University and Susan Murphy, Vice President for Student and Academic Services, 30 min. (6:15pm - 6:45pm)

VP Murphy said she would be meeting on December 5th with R. Robbins and other students to discuss diversity-related issues. She has also been meeting with student leaders recently to discuss their concerns. She thinks there should be full support for the GPSA’s approved rate of increase in the Student Activity fee for graduate and professional students.

C. Heckman asked whether the administration would get involved in the argument over whether the graduate students would be ticketed to attend Slope Day.

VP Murphy said due to the outcome of the GPSA’s vote for funding Slope Day, the Slope Day Programming Board may have to resort to ticketing.

C. Heckman said that what Slope Day has become is not something that all graduate students agree with.

VP Murphy said she agrees that Slope Day has become a very large-scale event and she agrees that it also has a reputation as a drinking event. However, this drinking culture has improved from what it used to be. If the graduate students have a view on what Slope Day should be as an event, she would like to hear about it.

M. Krisa asked if there were any plans in the future for graduate student housing.

VP Murphy said there are no concrete plans as of yet, and they are likely not in a position to take on any new housing during the next few years due to budget limitations. Still, there are other options, like trying to find some internal funding, or a private developer to reduce costs.

President Skorton said this is the third year in a row that he decided the University shouldn’t take on any more external debt, so they are working on finding some internal financing means. The construction projects on campus now are either funded by the state or were approved prior to the recession.

R. Robbins asked if they had any good solutions for building a sense of community among graduate students.

VP Murphy said there have been attempts to find a place for graduate students on campus to congregate and therefore many programs have been promoted at the Big Red Barn. There are other methods they can look into, like changing what’s provided in a meal plan, making sure people can keep up with their fitness, or assuring students of a place to host events on campus.

M. White said she knows several classmates in the Vet School who dropped out because of stress. She wonders what the administration is doing to help out with mental health issues in the professional schools.

VP Murphy said they are looking at patterns of usage within Gannett and other data from groups concerned with helping students with mental health issues. There also should be more conversations with the heads of all graduate or professional academic departments. They can look into issues with alignment of assignments, calendar issues, exam schedules, etc.

President Skorton asked if White’s classmates consider Gannett an effective mental health resource.

Michelle White said that there is debate among her classmates; some consider Gannett a reliable resource, while others think it is inadequate.

B. Alkemeyer said some students have worries about confidentiality at Gannett.

VP Murphy said the administration therefore needs to make sure that the graduate community knows their mental health information will be absolutely confidential.

President Skorton said any mental health information will be treated as confidential as any physical health information.

A. Nash said she thinks many of her architecture classmates understand that Gannett is a reliable resource. On the topic of graduate student housing, she wondered if graduate students would be allowed on a planning committee to design any prospective new housing.

VP Murphy said graduate students would certainly be involved. However, she is unsure how active a role in the planning graduate students will have.

C. Ferkinhoff asked if there has been any thought about allowing graduate students to find a new advisor should they become alienated from their initial advisor due to mental health issues.

B. Wickes, Assistant Dean for Grad Student Life, said a student may meet with the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs to find a new advisor if they are having problems. The Community Counseling and Intervention Program at Gannett has been a great resource for her department to link students to counseling and advisors to counselors if they are concerned about their students. Her first obligation is to provide a resource to students for student advocacy at the graduate school, yet many students don’t know that she also holds this counseling role. Therefore, more attention should be brought to her abilities to counsel graduate students.

S. Jandricic said she knows some people who have gone off campus for mental health counseling. She wondered how Gannett could promote its on-campus counseling services in a more positive light.

VP Murphy said that she could be contacted at if students had further questions.

V. Reports of Officers and Committee Updates, 13 min.

1. Executive Committee (E. Cortens)

E. Cortens said those with good ideas for resolutions and other activities next semester should email their suggestions to him or post them on the list-serv. N. Baran asked members to email out their notes from their breakout groups.

2. Appropriations (C. Heckman)

C. Heckman said the Appropriations Committee is still dealing with the Activity Fee and will be meeting with Slope Day Programming Board executive and the SA leadership.

3. Communications (S. An)

S. An was not present, so E. Cortens asked any items for the GPSA Buzz be sent his way.

4. Finance Commission (M. Tootill)

M. Tootill said the Finance Commission allocated $18,082 to groups at their November 1st meeting. Their next meeting is Tuesday, December 6th. Funding applications are due Friday, December 2. Groups that want any funding in the spring must submit their applications at this time. She noted that there was only $13,283 remaining to be allocated. If you want to attend the meeting on behalf of an organization, send her an email in advance.

5. Student Advocacy (R. Robbins)

R. Robbins said that Susan Murphy will be speaking at the Student Advocacy Committee’s Dine and Discuss event on Monday, December 5th. They have received 65 RSVPs from students.

6. Graduate & Professional Student Programming Board (Y. Chen)

C. Ferkinhoff said there is a Grad’s Night Out this week at Kilpatrick’s, on Thursday or Friday. There will also be a spa day on Saturday, December 3rd and Ice Skating, cosponsored by the EGSA, on Tuesday, December 6th. The next PB meeting will be on Thursday, December 8th at 7:00 p.m.

VI. Open Forum, 2 min.

B. Alkemeyer said he is interested in founding a mentor program for graduate students in all departments modeled on the program he founded for graduate students in the English Department. He proposed that field coordinators adapt his program model to their fields and create a registered student organization to receive funds. The graduate school has expressed interest in supporting this organization if it is formed.

Seeing no further comments in open forum, N. Baran moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by M. White. Seeing no objection, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Allison Bazinet