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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

GPSA R. 1 -- A Resolution Approving the GPSA Bylaws for the 2011-2012 Term

WHEREAS, The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (“GPSA”) Bylaws (the “Bylaws”) state that: “The revised GPSA Bylaws is to be presented as a resolution at the second meeting of the current GPSA term for approval.” (3.03(d)(vii)): therefore be it


(a) That the Bylaws amended— (1) in 3.02(d)(xvi) by striking “GSPA” and inserting “GPSA”; and

(2) in 3.03(d)(vi) by striking “is” and inserting “are”; and

(3) in 3.03(f)(i) by striking the penultimate comma and inserting a period; and

(4) in 3.05(e)(i) by striking “3.04.e.v” and inserting “3.05.e.iv”; and

(5) in 3.05(g)(ii) by striking “first regularly scheduled meeting” and inserting “second regularly scheduled meeting”; and

(6) in 3.07(c )(vi) by striking “3.06.c.v” and inserting “3.07.c.v”; and

(7) in 3.07(f)(i) by striking “3.06.e.ii” and inserting “3.07.e.ii”; and

(8) in 3.07(f)(ii) by striking “Commission” and inserting “Chairperson”; and

(9) in 3.07(h)(ii) by striking “3.06.h.i” and inserting “3.07.h.i”; and

(10) in 3.10(b)(i) by inserting “If they are not already GPSA Voting Members or Field Representatives,” before the remainder of the section; and

(11) in 3.11(c ) by striking “graduate and professional students” and inserting “graduate or professional students”; and

(12) in 3.13(c )(iv) by striking “Addition” and inserting “Additional”; and

(13) in 4.02(c ) by striking the existing text and inserting “The GPSA will adopt a schedule of regularly scheduled meetings for the next term at the last meeting of the current GPSA term.”; and

(14) in 4.04(a)(ii) by striking “24 hours prior” and inserting “at least 24 hours prior”; and

(15) in 4.06(a) by inserting “and jointly for the Professional Schools” after “For each Division of the Graduate School”.

(b) That the Bylaws are adopted for the 2011–2012 GPSA term.

(c ) That the revised bylaws be sent to the Office of Assemblies for posting on the GPSA website.

(d) That a copy of this resolution be sent to Peggy Beach, Director of the Office of Assemblies and Kent Hubbell, Dean of Students and advisor to the GPSA.

Respectfully submitted,
Evan Cortens
GPSA President and Humanities Voting Member