This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.
December 7, 2009 Meeting
Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
Special Voting and Discussion Meeting of the GPSA Advisory Body
Monday, December 7, 2009
304 Fernow Hall
5:30–7:00 P.M.
I. 5:30 - Special Voting Meeting - Welcome & Introductions (10 minutes) a. Approval of Ad-hoc Committees:
- 1. Graduate Mental Health
- 2. Sustainability
- 3. Data/Survey
II. 5:40 - Discussion Meeting - Executive Updates (5 minutes)
- a. President: Nighthawk
- b. Vice President of Operations: Brian (Committee/Task Force Reports)
III. 5:45 - Deputy Provost David Harris on the United Way — Presentation and Questions (15 minutes)
IV. 6:00 - Committee Updates (20 minutes)
- a. Advocacy Committee: Cresten Mansfeldt
- b. Communications Committee: Ben Heavner, Jamie Guillory
- c. Sustainability Committee: Chen Li
- d. Events: Srich Murgesan
V. 6:20 - R.4 “Lights Off, Cornell” (20 minutes) Jolyon Bloomfield, Sustainability
VI. 6:40 - Presentation on the Activity Fee Recommendation (10 minutes) Dave Walden, Appropriations
VII. 6:50 - Open Forum
VIII. 7:00 - Motion to Adjourn
GPSA Shortcuts
Contact GPSA
109 Day Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853
ph. (607) 255—3715