This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.
2002 AY Actions 07 Text
Pay and Benefits Resolution Approved November 25, 2002
Whereas, the GPSA is committed to improving the pay and benefits of Cornell graduate and professional students and the GPSA recognizes dental and vision coverage as two of these improvements; and
Whereas, the current student health insurance plan does not provide substantial coverage for dental- and vision-related care and this lack of provision affects a large proportion of the graduate and professional student population; and
Whereas, the benefits to all graduate and professional students of dental and vision coverage is in the best interest of said students’ health and well-being and is consistent with the importance of preventative medical care; and
Whereas, the GPSA recognizes the importance of having the voices of graduate and professional students solicited in the determination of how best to provide dental and vision coverage; and
Be it therefore resolved, that the GPSA establish a committee, the Pay and Benefits Committee, to examine this issue, working in partnership with all interested parties and whose chair is to be selected by the GPSA; and
Be it further resolved, that this committee be charged with researching dental and vision coverage options, designing a questionnaire to survey graduate and professional student needs and drafting a petition to be circulated campus-wide in partnership with CASE/UAW and other interested parties with the view to presenting a formal request to the University at a later date; and
Be it further resolved, that the GPSA Pay and Benefits committee intends to examine other pay and benefits concerns in the future.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gavin Hurley GPSA Vice President
Joan Moriarty GPSA President
Robb Willer GPSAFC Chair
GPSA Shortcuts
Contact GPSA
109 Day Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853
ph. (607) 255—3715