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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Student Assembly Agriculture & Life Sciences

Chris Li (cl582)

Photo of Chris Li

The secret to success is constancy of purpose. These are the words that I have lived by for the entirety of my life in school. I have known my purpose to be one that involves making others happy; to bring people together by transmitting my passion for changing our world for the better. I plan to organize various fundraising events to raise money for charities and environmental friendly events: barbecues, beach cleanups, board game tournaments, cook-offs, funny photo contests, and themed concerts. I will not be one to pretend that bringing a student body together is a simple task, but the effort is well worth it each and every time. Student Assembly is the force that unifies the students in the residential community. It is responsible for the birth of many friendships on campus through its organization of socials and community-oriented events. I wholeheartedly believe that I can lead our community into a happier future. ‘Happier’ because I will bring our students together by granting each student of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences the opportunity to engage in social activities, being responsible in completing all duties assigned and expected of me, and being reliable as a fellow member of the Student Assembly.

Katie Zhu (khz6)

Photo of Kati Zhu

Hi guys! My name is Katie Zhu and I’m running to become your CALS Representative next year. I’m currently a Biometry and Statistics major planning to double major in AEM, so I would to represent both the smaller majors in this school as well as the larger ones; I hope to bring the CALS community closer together. CALS has its own unique voice that is waiting to be heard!

As CALS Representative, there are a few ideas I want to bring to Student Assembly:

1. Adding calorie count and serving size information to the labels on the dining halls, as well as indication (like an asterisk) for the healthier options

2. Increasing the amount of gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan choices in dining halls

3. Healthier selections in dining halls

4. More winter maintenance!

5. Informing students of what exactly the difference between composting and recycling is

6. Getting BRBs accepted at Manndibles

7. More outdoor trash cans and recycling bins

I can’t wait to make these goals into reality with you! I’m representing YOU, so if you have any other changes you’d want to see made to CALS or Cornell, feel free to email me at

Vote Katie Zhu — she’s got you!

Omer Syed (oas22)

Photo of Omer Syed

Hello, my name is Omer Syed and I am looking to be your next CALS representative on the Student Assembly. If there’s anything that CALS students need in this pivotal time for the college, a year when a number of changes are being instituted which will impact the student body, it is a representative that can advocate for their needs with the administration. As the current president of the Muslim Educational and Cultural Association as well as having served as a teaching assistant in the past I feel that I could fulfill this need, as I have had much experience relaying the thoughts and concerns of students to their professors and the administration. As CALS representative, I hope to expand the number of students that I have already been serving, and to continue to act as an ambassador for my fellow peers to ensure that all your concerns will be addressed. I truly am looking forward to working with all of you and serving as your next CALS representative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at Thank you!

Contact Elections

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715