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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Freshmen at Large

Elections are administered by the Office of the Assemblies on behalf of the Student Assembly Elections Committee.

Please contact the Office of the Assemblies with any questions or concerns.

Elections results

Freshmen at Large

Dustin Liu (dl558)691
Varun Devatha (vad33)478
Miranda Kasher (mk2324)366
Paul Russell (pjr93)346
Alex Hutchins (agh95)326
Marissa Block (msb383)288
Nelson Billington (ntb43)245
Traciann Celestin (tvc23)241
Reeve Carver III (crc232)230
Solomon Shewit (ss2588)230
Alexandra Miles (anm95)220
Emmett Tabor (eft32)191
Suraj Reddy (sr683)137
Dale Barbaria (dkb78)115
Cyrus Zeledon (cz265)109
Todd Lensman (tal84)−0- withdrew

Transfer at Large

Jordan Chessin (jsc384)86
Matthew Guarini (mcg75)52

Transfer Candidates

Jordan Chessin (jsc384)

Photo of Jordan Chessin

My name is Jordan Chessin and I am running for “Transfer Representative” for Cornell University’s Student Assembly. I know I am the right choice for the position because I have a passion for serving others, plan long term, and am experienced in running an organization. My main goal is for Cornell to continue to be a university that is both welcoming and is as easy to transfer into as possible. I plan to accomplish this through the following: 1. Creating a Facebook group for all admitted Transfer Students, where there will be several former transfer students who can answer questions. 2. Sending out monthly or quarterly newsletters to Transfer Option Students (who sign a statement approving) about current news at Cornell. 3. Creating a Peer-Ambassador program, where each new Transfer Student is paired up with an upperclassmen transfer student (to help student connect with a current student) I am from Cleveland, Oh and went to “Ohio State University” last year and have been an officer of 7 clubs. I am a sophomore in the School of Hotel Administration. I greatly appreciate your consideration and hope I can count on your vote. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Matthew Guarini (mcg75)

Photo of Matthew Guarini

As a student transferring from the Culinary Institute of America (CIA), I bring with me a wide breadth of student government experience. During the four terms over two years that I was in student government at the CIA, I worked closely with administration on a variety of matters and personally helped improve campus security, internally restructuring finances, and a complete overhaul of the world’s most unique dining plan. In addition to my student assembly experience, I also have earned membership into the National Association of Parliamentarians and served as a US cultural diplomat in Germany for the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program. I hope to use these experiences to best serve the students I have transferred with this fall. I am incredibly approachable and I would love to hear the opinions and ideas from my constituency so I can best represent you! Best of luck to everyone this year!

Freshmen Candidates

Dale Barbaria (dkb78)

Photo of Dale Barbaria

Hello. My name is Dale Barbaria. I am from New Rochelle, New York and currently study in the College of Engineering. I have a passion for government and believe in the power of democracy. I believe that representative bodies open possibilities for dialogue between diverse groups, and I believe that this dialogue allows for necessary change to occur. For these reasons, I have decided to run for Freshman Representative. In high school, I took an active role in my school’s Junior State of America club which was devoted to political awareness and activism. I also worked with students and school administrators to recreate a representative student government, something that had been absent from my school for over a decade. While I could not be present to see that project through to completion, I am excited about the possibilities offered by the Student Assembly here at Cornell. As a Representative, I will do my best to my best to listen to and utilize suggestions from others. In doing so, I hope to provide a voice for all of the freshmen on campus. By the way, my favorite color is blue. I believe Rand Paul is the 2016 candidate with the coolest online store, and Hillary Clinton is by far the best dressed. Please remember to vote.

Nelson Billington (ntb43)

Photo of Nelson Billington

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help create a better version of Cornell for all who work, study, and engage with this magnificent center of learning and achievement. Over the next few months, I plan to initiate and tackle several proposals designed to enhance the freshman experience and make all of us more productive and fulfilled knowledge navigators. Whether that goal is achieved through grab and go snack stations in select North Campus dining halls, a focus on entrepreneurship early in college, or a passionate voice with the new administration, I hope to cultivate long lasting relationships among members of the most diverse class in the school’s history! Take just a moment to pause and reflect upon the last month in which you have completed an amazing transition—one that has taken you over gorges, hills, and heat. Stay present in the beauty of this place. Over the last half decade, I have assisted with the opening of five startup businesses in Washington, DC, written for three magazines, and held countless leadership positions in school and in the surrounding community. However, enacting responsible change through the Student Assembly at Cornell would be the most meaningful meaning honor.

Marissa Block (msb383)

Photo of Marissa Block

Hello! My name is Marissa Block and I am so excited to be a freshman in SHA and finally be able to call Cornell my home. It’s important for me that I not only be involved with this campus, but actively speak out about how we can work together to improve this campus. My campaign is built upon communication�between students, Student Assembly, and faculty. Firstly, I think we need a mentorship program throughout the year that pairs new students with upperclassmen who are in the similar major or have similar interests. While programs like this exist on campus, I think they need to become school-sponsored, and also need to start during the summer so students can ask questions before arriving to campus. Our generation is incredibly social and communicative. To create leaders from current Cornellians, my proposal is for Freshman Writing Seminars to adopt oral presentation units so students can become more comfortable with public speaking and articulating their opinions. These are just a few of my ideas, and I would love to listen to your ideas and continue making SA accessible to all students. I look forward to running for Student Assembly, especially to meeting more of my class, which has already proved to be so enthusiastic.

Reeve Carver III (crc232)

Photo of Reeve Carter III

First off, I am a Jets fan; losing is in my blood. Therefore, I will not be surprised to get zero votes. Truth be told though, I need to get elected. The reason being is not that I am a stellar candidate, (although I am), but I already told my mom I was elected, so it is up to you if you want to break an old lady’s heart. Mom, if you are reading this, you are not that old. Also, she thinks that I have a girlfriend. Since parents’ weekend is coming up, please message me at (908) 410–9690 if you would want to meet her. I could list an array of positions that I held in high school to verify my experience for this position, but I doubt I should rest on my laurels. On top of that, I bet most of you are not that interested anyway. Since I am writing this for you guys, I do not want to waste your time. On top of my political agenda, I hope to relieve my brother Sean’s hunger problem — ask someone in CKB, they’ll know what I mean. Want better dining options? After visiting 30+ foreign countries last year, I’ve learned a thing or two about food. Ohhh, and if you are still reading this for some reason, my name is Reeve Carver III — or Sean, if you like my twin more.

Traciann Celestin (tvc23)

Photo of Traciann Celestin

Hello! My name is Traciann “Traci” Celestin; I am a Government major in the College of Arts and Sciences,and I would like to be your freshman representative for Student Assembly this academic year. I am qualified to represent you all, because of my experience, excitement, and eagerness. I am experienced in collaborating with both my peers and authority figures, in order to tackle crucial initiatives. I am excited to receive feedback from many people in order to keep the Student Assembly interactive and involved in your everyday lives. If elected, I will work to help put substantive structures in place that will enhance the college experience for Cornell freshmen. The goals I will work toward accomplishing are: 1.Increased transparency with the Student Assembly and the Cornell Community. 2. Broaden the sense of comradery within the freshman class, then within the Cornell Community. 3. Increased awareness of student programs that are geared towards public service and pre-professionalism. I am determined to make a difference and make an impact on the Cornell community as your freshman representative. Vote for me if you want an approachable and effective leader who will hear and address your concerns!

Varun Devatha (vad33)

Photo of Varun Devatha

You know: I’ve served as Class President & Model UN President, founded religious services & internship programs, and virtuously served the community� SO WHAT?! You should care about what I can do for YOU. My competitors may run on the foundation of their backgrounds, but that’s in no way a discerning factor in determining who they are today or what they can do for you. But, I promise you, your voice will not only be heard, but broadcasted. “Do you know where your money is going?” Every 2 years, Student Assembly is given $7 million to delegate toward clubs, infrastructure, and more. As rep, I’ll ensure you know where your money is going: whether it’s keeping RPCC open until 9:00 & allowing the use of ID #’s when you forget your card, or placing trash cans on the walk from North to Central Campus. How about the fact that internet usage is limited by month at $1.54/extra gig? In one year, we may move to West Campus. If freshmen have TCAT access, why can’t all students residing in dorms? Let’s include the health fee in financial aid packages too. By communicating with freshman & upperclassman as well as faculty & staff, I’ve developed a series of reforms that will benefit you. Know where your money is going: Vote Varun Devatha.

Alex Hutchins (agh95)

Photo of Alex Hutchins

Hello! My name is Alex Hutchins and I am an Asian Studies major(focus on Japanese culture) and Business minor here at Cornell. I hail from all the way across this great country in Northern California, and love to ride my bike through the Redwood forests and take long walks on the beach (I’m a cheap date). I am super excited to be here at Cornell and if selected as Freshman Rep, will draw from my past high school experience in Student Government and as President of my school’s business club. I greatly enjoy hearing the unique perspective each person offers and will actively seek out the opinions of others during my tenure. High school allowed me to curate a passion for freedom of speech, human rights, diversity initiatives, and greater measures for protecting the environment and I am not afraid to let my voice be heard. Above all, I will strive to improve the college experience for all the fine folks that call Cornell home! Sayoonara!

Miranda Kasher (mk2324)

Photo of Miranda Kasher

Hey guys! My name is Miranda Kasher and I’m studying Hotel Administration — aka napkin folding and wine tasting. I LOVE CORNELL (I hope you do too) and I would love to represent our class this year! I could copy and paste my common app here or talk about HS student government (just like everyone else), but I won’t. What I will talk about, however, is my work experience in restaurants and in Cornell’s undergraduate admissions office this year or my interest in sustainability and food. As freshman rep, I’ll definitely use my knowledge to better this campus. My ideas include: more garbage cans on campus (from Donlon to Statler, there is but ONE garbage — therefore I hold plum pits for about 10 minutes every day on my way to class), more vegan/gluten-free options at Nasties and other caf�s, better labeling of recycling/compost bins (for example, placing info. posters in Statler’s Mac’s caf�), modernizing website and smartphone application interfaces, etc. The most important thing I’ll do as freshman rep is listen to YOU. I will glady open my door to anyone who needs help, has a suggestion, or just wants to chat (come to the dark side, we have snacks). I am ready to open up and listen to you, my friends. We’re all in this together.

Dustin Liu (dl558)

Photo of Dustin Liu

Hi! My name is Dustin Liu (but my friends call me Dusty). I’m from Long Island, majoring in ILR, and running to be your Freshman Rep. If elected, I aim to: 1) Maintain Communication - YOUR voice is my priority. With online forms and times when we can just chat over coffee, I will make sure your voice is heard. 2) Lead Practical Changes- My goal is to take on achievable goals. By investing in these changes, we can effectively better the life on campus. Like hooks in the bathrooms, because who wants to have their backpack on the floor. 3) Supporting Diversity- My goal is to work towards a stronger unity within the student body through open discussions and programming. From the LGBT community to communities of color, we can further celebrate our diversity together. 4) Plan for Long Term Goals- Though I can’t promise rolls of Charmin Two-Ply Ultra Strong Toilet Paper for everybody and their cousin, what I can promise is to plan early on for long term goals. If you have any questions or concerns (or just want to grab RPCC brunch), feel free to email me at or just message/friend me on Facebook @ Dustin Ducky Liu. Trust in Dustin for Freshman Rep!

Alexandra Miles (anm95)

Photo of Alexandra Miles

I am excited to announce my candidacy as a Freshman Representative of Cornell’s Student Assembly. I have a true passion for supporting my fellow classmates and making a difference that leads to a brighter tomorrow. Through my past leadership roles as Student Government President, Youth & Government Vice President, and Founder of U Smile I Smile, I worked closely with my classmates, school administration, and local community to improve the learning experience, increase school spirit, and enhance our surrounding community. I understand the dedication it takes and will work diligently to bring you what you want at Cornell. I am committed to an open dialogue with my fellow freshman Cornellians and will implement your ideas and recommendations. I will work to coordinate events that bring a sense of unity, giving us the opportunity to engage, connect, and grow, as well as address any beneficial policy changes. I look forward to speaking with all of you and discussing your ideas, concerns, and thoughts. As we get to know each other over the next four years, you will see that when I do something, I put my heart and soul into it! I hope you — Class of 2019 - will support me and vote Alexandra Miles! GO BIG RED! #MilesWillBringSmiles

Suraj Reddy (sr683)

Photo of Suraj Reddy

To come to Cornell is a strange thing: to most we are seen as an environment filled with open-minded individuals who have an incomparable urge to physically and mentally challenge ourselves. To many we are seen as leaders and activists, students who aren’t afraid to express our own opinions and fight for them when we feel necessary. To some we are seen as the funkiest school in history due to our kick-butt students who can do homework all day and party all night. Cornell means something different for everyone, and it’s this marvelous idea that’s inspired me, Suraj Reddy, to run for your class representative.I could give you a spiel of all my leadership roles since my days as Kindergarten Crayon Monitor, but I feel my passion to improve your Cornell experience is more important. A few ways I’ll implement this is by hosting forums with faculty, organizing social events, lobbying the administration for lower costs in everything from food to parking, phasing in a bike sharing program, and expanding our social awareness programs, just to name a few. In addition I’ll have an open-door policy so anyone can come give me feedback or simply have a nice talk. With your help, we can make Cornell even better than imagined!

Paul Russell (pjr93)

Photo of Paul Russell

My goal as a candidate for freshman representative is to listen and learn from my constituents in order to bring fresh, new ideas to the forefront. I am convinced that my background very evidently speaks to my aptitude for such a position. I have a unique understanding of the varied backgrounds of the students in Cornell’s most diverse class because I have lived on all sides of the social and socioeconomic spectrums: from finding my home in my grandmother’s basement in a predominately black Atlanta neighborhood to abiding in the upper-middle class Texas suburbs. I have experience leading large groups: in high school I was the president of the largest marching band in the United States, which included between seven and eight hundred students. I am also very experienced in regards to mediating between students and faculty to create new entities: I founded multiple clubs at my high school and worked on numerous councils and committees tasked with improving student life.

Solomon Shewit (ss2588)

Photo of Solomon Shewit

Hello everyone, My name is Solomon Shewit, I am a freshman studying in the ILR school and living in Low Rise 6. My academic interests include business and math, and my favorite activities to do outside of the classroom are playing and watching basketball and listening to music. I don’t believe that I deserve to serve as your Student Assembly Freshman representative because my outstanding achievements make me the most qualified candidate, because I feel that I am no different than any of the other students. In fact, the reason I want to serve as your Freshman representative is precisely because I am no different from any of my peers, and I share both a love and appreciation for the amazing institution that we attend and an understanding of the struggles that we all face as first year college students, whether it be academically, socially, or with our overall transition. My primary objective as freshman representative will be to ensure that students not only are able to easily communicate their opinions on what action the Student Assembly should take, but that students feel encouraged to do so. I promise to work extremely hard to ensure that everyones voices are heard. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and go Big Red!

Emmett Tabor (eft32)

Photo of Emmett Tabor

Emmett Tabor is a true man of the people who is passionate about helping and representing his classmates. With prior experience in student government and leadership, Emmett has what it takes to get down to earth and act as a resolute representative for the Class of 2019 on the Student Assembly. Originally from Alexandria, Virginia, Emmett played football and baseball and served on student government, among other activities, while in high school. Currently, he lives in High Rise 5 and studies in the College of Human Ecology as a Policy Analysis and Management major, with plans to add a minor in math. If elected to the SA, he would focus on student health and wellness and academic policy issues, specifically addressing the freshman transition to Cornell. More importantly, though, he would accurately represent his classmates to address the needs and concerns of the Freshman class. A dedicated worker with an approachable persona, Emmett looks forward to meeting all his classmates and hearing what they have to say about their Cornell experiences thus far. Feel free to ask him about anything if you see him around! Emmett can be contacted at for any questions, concerns, or comments you may have.

Cyrus Zeledon (cz265)

Photo of Cyrus Zeledon

There are many concerns and troubles for the freshman class, whether it is the lack of meal plans or the overwhelming aspect of transitioning from home to college, and I want to help change that for my student class. I, as freshman student representative, want the best for my class and will hear any concerns, doubts, and even praise about their lives on campus. I also believe that there should be a voice from the School of Engineering in Student Assembly, as there are few in it at the moment. My goal is simple: to make everyone feel at home and enjoy their time at Cornell throughout the freshman year.

Todd Lensman (tal84) - WITHDREW FROM ELECTION

Photo of Todd Lensman

The Student Assembly offers Cornellians an incredible opportunity to influence the place in which we live and learn. Through our elected representatives, we can truly implement positive change at Cornell and leave a lasting mark on this renowned institution. I am eager to help my peers participate in this process so that together, we may shape Cornell and pursue the progress we want to see on campus. As a student with a passion for public service, I am eager to devote my time and energy to the Student Assembly and to the friends, peers, and colleagues that I will serve. My prior experience with student government (four-year high school class treasurer) has provided me with the skills needed to effectively represent the the student body to the University. In addition, the knowledge I have gained from my work in financial analysis and public securities research will aid me in managing student funds and ensuring that they are used as directed. I plan to seek positions on the Appropriations and Financial Aid Committees so that I may employ my skills for the benefit of Big Red. Indeed, I am truly excited for the opportunity to represent my fellow Cornellians and promote their efforts to transform Cornell for the better.

Information for Candidates

Only new first-year students (freshmen and transfers) are eligible to run in this election. There are four seats for freshman and one seat for transfers that will be filled via this election. The deadline for registration is 12:00pm (noon) on Friday, September 11, 2015.

How to Register as a Candidate

  1. Read through the Student Assembly Election Rules, available in the next section, and be familiar with the other campus governance documents (including, but not limited to, the Campus Code of Conduct).
  2. Fill out the online registration form.
  3. Gather the appropriate number of signatures using the petition form. Submit your petition forms to the Office of the Assemblies by the registration deadline (Friday, September 11, 2015 at 12:00pm (noon).
    • Freshman Candidates: at least 75 signatures
    • Transfer Candidates: at least 25 signatures
  4. Attend the mandatory Campaigning Meeting, 5:00pm-6:00pm on Tuesday, September 15, 2015.
  5. Attend at least one Student Assembly general body meeting.
  6. Apply to serve on at least one Student Assembly Committee. You can apply online:
  7. Submit the candidate Expense Report to the Office of the Assemblies by 2:00pm on Tuesday, September 22, 2015.

Forms and Documents

Contact Elections

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715