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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

December 01, 2010

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

T. Grove called the meeting to order at 12:23 p.m.

Present- D. Brooks, K. Coldren, P. Dongtoe, C. Ferguson, T. Grove, L. Croll Howell, L. Meyerhoff, L. Morris, G. Osborne (phone),

Absent- T. Denesevich, B. Mc Kinney, C. Phillips, J. Seymour, G. Stewart

Also attending � S. An, G. Degaldo (university architect), K. Dessources, N. Doolittle, A. Epstein, A. O’Donnell

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no late additions to the agenda.

III. Business of the Day

a)Means Restriction Update

Gilbert Degaldo, the university architect, gave a presentation on means restriction. He explained means restriction is one part of a multi-spectrum effort to help students understand there is outreach available to them in times of need. He said Cornell’s goal is to make the designs for means restriction as thoughtful as possible. The fences that were put on the bridges immediately after the tragedies were a means of stopping the contagion. Almost immediately after, David Skorton asked to investigate more elegant ways of resolve this problem.

G. Degaldo said the overall goal is to block the use of bridges for suicide, but do it in a way that does not distract from the scenery. The university consulted with three experts, all encouraged the use of means restriction. The black fences are transitional; they will stay until a permanent means restriction is put into place.

G. Degaldo explained that the university has looked around the world at how means restriction is being addressed. No situation is identical to Cornells. Cornells bridges are smaller, so means restriction can become an obstacle to the natural scenery. The university was unable to find somewhere that has “done it before”. The emphasis, he explained, is on creativity: taking a complex problem and coming up with an unexpected solution. After rigorous interviewing, the university chose an architecture company based in Boston, MA called OfficeDa. He then told the EA that the seven bridges on Cornell’s Campus are divided into three different categories: (1) light-weight pedestrian bridges, (2) heavier vehicular, (3) and the Stone Arch bridge, which is in a category on its own. All approval and planning will occur by May 20, 2011.

T. Grove asked G. Degaldo if there is going to be an opportunity for the campus community to see the designs.

G. Degaldo notedthe designs will be available to the Cornell community. The university is extremely concerned about how information on means restriction is being transported throughout the community. It is clear that not everybody is clear on the means restriction process. Some believe the fences are the end product of the effort, which is not the case.

D. Brooks asked if the university is going to be replacing any bridges. G. Degaldo said they will not replace any of the bridges. One consideration is taking down the hand railings on one bridge.

b) Executive Vice Chair Resolution

T. Grove asked the Employee Assembly if they had any thoughts on the resolution to separate the vice chair and communication chair. The EA had no concerns

C. Ferguson made a motion to vote on this resolution.

L. Croll Howell seconded the motion.

The motion was passed by a vote of 11–0−0 (9 voting members were present, and proxy votes taken from G. Stewart and J. Seymour).

The Executive vice chair resolution was passed.

c) Membership Expansion

A. Epstein explained that he put together a grid comparing the different possibilities for EA expansion. Handouts of the grid were presented to EA members.

T. Grove asked the EA to look at the grid and share their thoughts.

A. Epstein explained that one negative factor with the 33-seat membership is that there will have to be a lot of time spent on setting up elections (16 elections every year). A. Epstein explained that he does not know how feasible this is.

T. Grove explained that the exempt/ non-exempt model might be problematic as well.

L. Croll Howell asked how the faculty senate sets up their membership. She wondered if members were voted in, or nominated in.

A. Epstein responded that that is a great question, but he is not sure. He will look in to it.

L. Morris expressed her concern that she does not know if everyone would feel comfortable with being responsible for an entire unit of campus that is not their own.

The EA considered an expansion plan in which the membership increased incrementally. Perhaps it would be 18 for this up-coming term, and 25 for the next. T. Grove asked A Epstein if making such frequent changes to the charter would be problematic.

A. Epstein explained that if it is only numbers changing, it should be a fairly easy change.

D. Brooks explained that if the EA is going to expand, it needs to be worth it. What role will these new member fill? In response to D. Brooks’ concern, T. Grove explained the EA is currently struggling to fill committee slots. If there were more EA members, it would be easier to fill these roles. L. Meyerhoff said she agreed on the idea of staggering the expansion. Her only concern is the EA has allocated such a great amount of time on discussing the expansion. L. Meyerhoff explained that if the EA continues to focus on this discussion, it is going to become all the assembly is about.

T. Grove asked A. Epstein if the EA can build an expansion plan into the charter. A. Epstein responded the EA can do almost anything in the charter, as long as they spell out the correct details. D. Brooks said he thought the EA should establish the structure and go for it, even if it takes time for the EA to fill the new seats.

L. Croll Howell explained it is important that the new members who join the assembly are passionate about being here, not just bodies to fill empty seats. L. Meyerhoff asked the EA to keep A. Epstein’s suggestions from last week in mind - there should be a focus on increasing transparency and awareness. T. Grove said she would like to see less full group meetings and more focus on committee meetings as the EA expands. She then took an informal poll on the issue. Eight EA members were in favor of the exempt/ non-exempt employee expansion, while one was in favor of the 33-seat membership.

d) Trustee Report

B. Mc Kinney was not present so there was no Trustee Report.

e) Middle States report feedback

The EA discussed their thoughts on last weeks Middle State report. L. Meyerhoff brought up one issue. She wondered why the chairman of the Board of trustees meets with all other assemblies except the EA. A. Epstein said he was not aware of this, but will look into it. T. Grove explained there is something in the EA E-news about providing feedback on the Middle States report.

f) December 3 meeting with President Skorton

T. Grove reminded the EA they have a meeting with President Skorton on Friday, December 3rd at 9 a.m. Two topics will be discussed at this meeting: (1) an update on the strategic plans and where the BAIN piece fits in and (2) a discussion on where the president sees the EA going forward. Coffee and refreshments are going to be served.

IV. Report from the Chair-

T. Grove said she had nothing to report. She explained members for TAC are still needed. She told the EA that if anyone has spoken to interested colleagues, let her know.

V. Approval of Minutes-

a) November 17, 2010

Minor changes were made to the minutes. T. Grove made a motion to approve the minutes with given changes. C. Ferguson seconded. The November 17th EA minutes were approved.

VI. Committee Reports

a) Communications

The latest EA news was sent around to everyone. Furthermore, the communication committee met yesterday. They discussed carrying on the survey that they started last year to get more information on what people know about the EA, as well as how they would like to receive information from the EA.

VII. Old Business

a) United Way/EA prize winners

L. Meyerhoff explained that drawings for prizes were done after the president’s address. There were 12 winners. Furthermore, the United Way received 12 new pledges from the event.

b) Means Restriction

L. Morris asked if the EA ever received a response on the resolution on means restriction. T. Grove explained that the resolution wasn’t really an action. Rather, it was the EA providing their support for means restriction.

VIII. New Business

a)Soup and Hope by L. Croll Howell

L. Croll Howell asked if the EA would commit to attending 1–2 of the Soup & Hope dates. She asked all the EA members to check their calendars and pick two dates.

b)Transportation concern

D. Brooks brought up the issue of the university charging people for parking in A-lot. He asked what the EA’s stance would be on this. The EA briefly discussed the issue.

IX. Open Forum

There was no discussion in the open forum.

X. Adjournment

A motion was made to adjourn the EA meeting. The motion was seconded. The EA meeting was adjourned at 1:37 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715