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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

March 3, 2010 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

J. Seymour called the meeting to order at 12:18 p.m.

J. Seymour then called the roll. Present- D. Brooks, T. Grove, N. LaCelle, A. Mittman, L. Morris, T. Ostrander, G. Osborne (on the phone), J. Seymour, L. Lawrence, C. Philips, G. Stewart Absent- P. Dongtoe, L. Croll Howell, B. McKinney Also attending- Paul Streeter, GPSA liaison Ben Heavner, A. O’Donnell, A. Epstein, K. Dessources

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no late additions to the existing agenda.

III. Business of the Day

a) Presentation from Paul Streeter

J. Seymour introduced Paul Streeter, who came to discuss Cornell’s current financial situation. P. Streeter explained that last year; Cornell’s financial deficit was between 88–89 million dollars. For the current year, Cornell’s budget deficit is 68 million dollars. For next year, the goal is to have a budget deficit that is much less. If no actions were taken last year, P. Streeter explained the budget deficit would have been $120 million. He explained many actions were taken in order to shrink this deficit, and the university will continue to be proactive to cut back the current deficit.

J. Seymour briefly interrupted P. Streeter’s presentation to recognize the presence of a Cornell Chronicle photographer who joined the meeting.

P. Streeter continued by saying the university is currently looking at four initiatives in order to cut costs: (1) procurement, (2) facilities services, including utilities and energy conservation, (3) information technology, including desktop services and application development, and (4) administrative support, including housing, dining, athletics, etc.

P. Streeter explained there is a lot going on, and it is “messy” due to the fast-pace. Furthermore, he stressed that although balancing the budget is a key part of making the university more efficient, focusing on making the university an effective, and satisfying place to work is first and foremost on the list of priorities.

P. Streeter explained that in the administrative arena, Cornell is trying to understand how to structure support operations on campus. He explained the university is trying to recognize and understand how to be efficient and effective. P. Streeter explained he believes there are significant savings to be had; it is just a matter of locating them.

J. Seymour asked P. Streeter the time frame that these initiative groups are running on. P. Streeter explained the time frame is roughly the end of April. The fiscal year starts on July 1st, so the budget needs to be in by May. P. Streeter explained these are not supposed to be final reports, but rather, strong drafts of saving estimates and critical actions or decisions. J. Seymour asked P. Streeter if we should see more information concerning Cornell’s financial situation in the weeks to come. He explained to the members they can find more information on the “Reimagining” website, as well as in the Cornell Chronicle. He noted there is a link to the suggestion box there too.

T. Ostrander asked P. Streeter what the time frame for the budget deficit was. P. Streeter estimated the deficit to last until 2015. The university has the goal of having the budget balanced by then. The main goal currently is getting a concrete plan to communicate to all. C. Philips asked if Paul Streeter would come to units to explain and update staff, and he said yes.

Mary Opperman explained the ultimate goal is to balance the budget. If Cornell attempts a plan that is not working towards that goal, they will find a different attitude. P. Streeter elaborated by saying the challenge is to figure out what is not working. For example, there are currently 4000–5000 P cards in the system. Although these cards are good at buying, they are ineffective at negotiating better prices with vendors. She noted all suggestions concerning the financial situation and budget crisis are reviewed and considered.

M. Opperman admitted all choices concerning cuts are painful, and since there are no “bad” programs at Cornell, choices are difficult. She noted the university is down by 700 positions already.

P. Streeter addressed the topic of the new medical research building that is being built at Cornell’s medical school in New York City. He noted the budgets of the Ithaca campus and the medical college are managed separately, therefore the costs of the new building will not affect the Ithaca campus. He added the impact to the Medical school will be small because the majority of the money has come from fundraising, and good planning.

J. Seymour inquired about the Bain report. He asked if a paper report would be published. P. Streeter replied there is no formal report, but that Bain intelligence is being used to make decisions. M. Opperman said they are using the information to make decisions, but they saw no need to pay for a formal report.

T. Ostrander asked M. Opperman and P. Streeter if they have looked at other universities and how they are responding to the financial crisis. M. Opperman said they have looked at other universities, including Yale and Dartmouth, and responses vary widely.

D. Brooks asked what the target budget number is. P. Streeter estimated the budget-deficit goal for next year to be around 30 million. He explained once a plan is intact, financial targets could be better shaped. P. Streeter further explained 2011 may be the worst year in regards to layoffs, but the years following 2011 should be easier. M. Opperman said they will try to use attrition as much as possible to avoid layoffs. M. Opperman closed by saying we can all make choices that will save costs.

P. Streeter said he would come back to the EA anytime to give updates on the financial situation.

IV. Report from Board of Trustees

B. McKinney was not present. No report was given.

V. Report from UA representative

No UA representatives were present. No report was given.

VI. Report from GPSA representative

B. Heavner explained the GPSA had a voting body meeting with P. Streeter. B. Heavner further explained that several resolutions were passed at the GPSA meeting, including a resolution to appoint a member of the GPSA to the Cornell Cinema Advisory Board, a resolution to rejuvenate the Big Red Barn, a resolution for a joint student judicial council, a resolution to include sustainability in the strategic plan, and a resolution regarding the Graduate Community Initiative. He also explained the next meeting is on March 1, and will be a “town hall” type format.

VII. Report from Faculty Senate Liaison

A. Mittman explained the Faculty Senate had a similar presentation from P. Streeter. There was also a spirited discussion on closing smaller libraries within the university. The committee is seeking input.

VIII.EA Finance update

The EA Finance committee had nothing to report. The budget is currently the correct size. The committee did speak about a possible 10% reduction. Such savings could be distributed elsewhere in the university, in some way.

IX. Report from the Chair

J. Seymour said yesterday he attended a leadership breakfast where they heard strategic planning updates from Provost Fuchs and Ed Lawler. He said most of what was discussed at breakfast was discussed today by Paul Streeter.

X. Approval of Minutes

a) February 3, 2010

There was one character change in the minutes. A. Mittman made the motion to approve the minutes with the change. T. Grove seconded. The minutes were voted on, and approved.

XI. Committee Reports

a) Executive Committee

D. Brooks explained the committee had discussed what is going on at the Schwartz Center with the recent announcement of budget cuts and layoffs. They considered ways in which a similar situation in the future could be handled better. They also briefly discussed the upcoming brown bags and panel discussions and whether the EA wanted to attend any.

D. Brooks explained now that the Emergency Grants committee is gone, the website must be updated. The Office of Assemblies must make a change to the charter.

b) Staff Recognition & Awards

T. Grove explained the next George Peter award recipient is currently out on disability, but they will coordinate the event upon her return. Also, she said the “kudos” mailbox is in the works now.

c) Communication

D. Brooks announced there is going to be a meeting next week with other communications chairs from other assemblies. The goal is to look at ways in which the committees can use the Pawprint and the Chronicle to better promote assemblies.

d) Personnel Policy

A. Mittman said there was no report.

e) Internal Operations

T. Grove said there was no report.

f) University Benefits

J. Seymour said there was nothing to report.

g) Employee Education

C. Philips said there are two meetings coming up, one of the committee, and the other will be with the administration to answer questions and discuss pressing issues.

XII. Cornell in Transition update

J. Seymour said this was covered under “Business of the Day.”

XIII. Old Business

No Old Business was discussed.

XIV. New Business

No New Business was discussed.

XV. Open Forum

During the open forum, the assembly discussed a rough outline of the meetings for the remainder of the semester, and voted on different scheduling options, and guest-speaker ideas.

XV. Adjournment

A. Mittman made a motion to adjourn. L. Lawrence seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 1:29 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kalisha Dessources

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715