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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 3, 2010 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

J. Seymour called the meeting to order at 12:17 p.m.

J. Seymour then called the roll.

Present-, T. Grove, N. LaCelle, L. Morris, G. Osborne, T. Ostrander, C. Phillips, J. Seymour, G. Stewart, B. McKinney Will Arrive Late: A. Mittman Absent- D. Brooks, P. Dongtoe, L. Lawrence, L. Croll Howell, Also attending- GPSA liaison Ben Heavner, UA liaison J. Blair, UA sustainability representative J. Crouse, A. O’Donnell, K. Dessources

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no late additions to the existing agenda.

III. Business of the Day

a) Presentation from EA Charter Committee on proposed membership changes

T. Grove explained that the committee had taken a look at the Employee Assembly membership, and would like to propose to increase the Employee Assembly from 13 to 33 seats. They have analyzed pockets of the university where these seats can come from. Each of the 33 components would run their own elections, using whichever election method they desired. This new assembly would contain a six member executive board. Each of the 33 representatives will be able to report back to their respective departments, allowing proper communication of EA concerns, accomplishments, and objectives. T. Grove explains that although this proposal is a huge effort, it will make the EA much stronger by amplifying its voice. T. Grove presents the draft of the membership changes, and asks the assembly for questions and ideas.

G. Stewart also offers his comments on the proposal, explaining that the committee has worked hard on this proposal, but cannot do it alone. Help from Deans and Directors is essential. He suggests that the assembly forms a working group, and gets started in a timely fashion, commencing with J. Seymour contacting President Skorton. G. Stewart emphasized the fact that in order for this to be attainable, help from leadership of the university was needed.

C. Phillips expressed her uncertainty of whether growing in size will improve the recognition of the Employee Assembly. G. Stewart states that he believes in democratic institutions, and the notion there is power in numbers. G. Stewart makes motion to approve the 33-seat assembly, and a small working group.

L. Morris seconded the motion. The members voted, and the motion passed by a hand vote of 8–0−0.

J. Seymour will send proposal to President Skorton.

IV. Report from Employee Elected Trustee

B. McKinney explains the Board had a meeting January 21st- 23rd 2010 in New York City. She went on to discuss several highlights. First, there was a discussion on student enrollment by the joint Student Services and Academic Affair Committee on student enrollment. The Trustees did not vote, but heard recommendations on ways to save money and increase income. Next, B. McKinney addressed Government Relations. The highlight was the success in President Skorton being on the technology committee with the governor. The resulting 25 million dollars of seed money that was mentioned by the governor in his State of the State address was a direct result of president Skorton being on that committee. B. McKinney then spoke about Cornell’s efforts in Haiti. Alice Pell, Vice Provost for International initiatives, is in charge of this effort. She explained the earthquake devastated the Cornell’s GHESKIO AIDS clinic in Haiti, and some staff was lost. B. McKinney went on to the next highlight, explaining that the last of the task force report was mentioned to the trustees. It is a completely new and very complex model. The biggest highlight of the meeting was the approval of the medical research building in New York City. It is a major research building that will be paid for by the medical college. This is important to Cornell’s Ithaca campus because whatever Cornell spends comes from one budget, and therefore affects all factions of the university. Lastly, B. McKinney gives the Strategic Plan Update. She explains that there are three different plans going on at Cornell. The Strategic Plan is the latest one that has been published. Right now this plan is just an outline, but will be a formal, 50–60 page strategic plan for Cornell University moving forward. The second plan is the Bain plan, which looks at non-academic functions at Cornell. The third plan is the 20 task forces. All three of these plans are completely different, but are tied together.

V. Report from UA representative

J. Seymour introduced Jim Blair, the EA staff representative to the UA. He was on the UA last year, and looks forward to carrying EA issues forward this year. Referring to the membership issue that was voted on earlier, J. Blair explained his experience at the UA level tells him that all assemblies feel somewhat ineffective. He informs the EA they have the support of the UA on this issue. J. Blair explains that he will carry EA issues and proposals forward as needed in the University Assembly. When all four groups of the University Assembly agree, resolutions move fast, even if the process is slow at first. J. Blair then addressed the fact that there are two vacant representative seats of EA members on the UA. If the EA desires to have a strong voice, J. Blair suggests these seats be filled. J. Blair further explains his plan to look into information of merit pool increases. T. Grove said she heard of a 2% merit increase.

VI. Report from UA sustainability representative

Next, J. Seymour introduces Jeannine Crouse from the UA sustainability committee. This committee was created last year. J. Crouse explains that she needs input from all assemblies, and will be attending Employee Assembly meetings in order to report information back and forth. She mentions that she will be going on leave, if anyone is interested in replacing her as a liaison. J. Crouse explains that recently, a resolution was brought forward for a loan fund to help with sustainability projects that can be paid back with savings. She further explains a “lights off” campaign proposed by some assemblies that will encourage Cornell to begin turning off lights in building that are not in use. J. Crouse explains that the sustainability committee is trying to be a place where all assemblies can come together and work on parallel things. She closes by mentioning a February 9th meeting at 4:30 P.M. in Rice Hall. The meeting will address a plan for joint marketing among different sustainability groups on campus, and is open to both student and faculty/ staff groups.

VII. Report from GPSA representative

J. Seymour introduces Ben Heavner, the GPSA liaison. He explained the GPSA shares in the problem of membership and voice, and explains their solution of setting up a membership based on advisory groups. He then explained three recent resolutions passed by the GPSA.

B. Heavner explained that sustainability, mental health support to the graduate community, and the GPSA’s goal of having a unique role in the HAITI relief efforts on campus

B. Heavner makes a request for the Employee Assembly to send a representative to GPSA meetings, even on a rotational basis, in order to increase communication between the two bodies.

VIII. Report from Faculty Senate Liaison

The Faculty Senate has not met yet. There will be a meeting next week.

IX. EA Finance update

A. Mittman said the final budget for the President’s address is $1,074, which is over the proposed budget by $74.

X. Report from the Chair

T. Grove addressed the recent meetings that the Schwartz Center Staff had with Dean Lepage of Arts & Sciences. She reported the cuts that are going to be taking place will greatly effect members of her department. There will still be Performing Arts classes, but there are likely to be less. T. Grove expressed her discontent with how the situation was handled. T. Grove stated that she does not want other departments to be handled in a similar manner. This conversation will be continued.

XI. Approval of Minutes

a) January 20, 2010

A motion to approve the minutes from January 20, 2010 was made by T. Grove. L. Morris seconded this motion. Assembly voted and approved the minutes.

XII. Committee Reports

a) Executive Committee

The executive committee talked about the previously discussed membership proposal.

b) Staff Recognition & Awards

T. Grove said the committee met last week. A winner for the George Peter award was selected. She discussed a desire for a greater number of staff being nominated for such awards. The committee also discussed a “Kudos” program in which people can write about good things that employees are doing in an email box. These messages can then be published in the EA newsletter, as a small way of recognizing Cornell employees.

c) Communication

D. Brooks is not here. L. Morris told all members of the assembly who are on Facebook to friend the EA page. They are beginning to post new things, and enhance the page. L. Morris encouraged members to share the page with all.

d) Emergency Grant/CARE Fund

J. Seymour has not heard back from the Presidents office on this resolution.

e) Personnel Policy

The Personnel Policy met last week. A. Mittman explains that they focused in on two items: (1) FLEX workplaces and (2) The Bargaining unit aspect of Cornell policy. When these issues are more developed, he will report back.

f) Internal Operations

All committees are on web. The Employee Assembly has University Assembly seats to fill.

g) University Benefits

C. Philips said the committee met two weeks ago. There will be a meeting in March with Maureen Brull, Paul Bursic, and one other HR representative. There are many difficult questions to address.

XIII. Cornell in Transition update

There was no Cornell in Transition update

XIV. Old Business

No old business was discussed.

XV. New Business

No new business was discussed.

XVI. Open Forum

C. Phillips said there are many rumors flying around about the budget and layoffs, and said she feels more transparency is needed.

XV. Adjournment

G. Osborne motioned to adjourn. C. Philips seconded the motion. This meeting was adjourned at 1:30 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kalisha Dessources

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715