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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20031001 Meeting Agenda

October 1, 2003
Board Room Day Hall

I. Call to Order (D. Goss) (1)

A. Call for late additions to agenda (2)

II. Approval of Minutes (1)

III. Unfinished Business (25)

A. Discussion of how EA members bring concerns of constituents to the EA (M. Smallwood Churchill)
B. Education Committee Status-New Focus-EA+staff (S. McConnell & D. Goss)
C. Partnering with other organizations-CRC (T. Johnson)
D. ComCom expenditure (P. Haugen)

IV. Report from the Chair (25)

A. Schedule EA “Re-grouping” Meeting
B. Ad Hoc committees
C. HR meetings with EA
D. Rotating EA meetings
E. Strategy to increase participation with EA-member ideas
F. Charter review
G. Tom Shelley

V. Committee Reports (5)

A. Review of EA Committee obligations

VI. Open Forum (10)

VII. New Business (10)

A. Communication and action between meetings

VIII. Adjournment

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715