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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

January 15, 2003 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Boardroom

I. Call to Order and Introductions

J. DeMarco, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.


Present: Deb Billups, Christina Bucko, Joseph DeMarco, Tammy Johnson, Patricia Mahoney, Dawne Martyniak, Leti McNeill, Lisa Rose, Thomas Shelley, Mary Smallwood Churchill, Brandi Smith

Excused: Donna Goss

Others Present: Dennis Stein, Tammy Bishop, Hope Mandeville

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

J. DeMarco asked for any late additions.

There were none.

III. Approval of Minutes

December 18, 2002

J. DeMarco asked if there were any corrections or additions that anybody would like to make to the minutes.

There were some amendments made.

J. DeMarco entertained a motion to approve the minutes as amended.

L. Rose made a motion to approve the minutes.

M. Smallwood Churchill seconded it.

IV. Report from the Chair

J. DeMarco said that there was an executive board meeting on the 7th and several of the matters that were discussed will be discussed at today’s EA meeting.

V. Open Forum

D. Stein asked if the EA members have received their Employee Day flier in the mail. The event will be held on Saturday, February1. If you would like to volunteer for that event, please email Janet Beebe to sign up.

The next staff outreach activity will be the staff graduate reception, which will be held in May. D. Stein is hoping that the EA will partner with them for this event.

D. Stein will be interviewing Mrs. Rawlings at the end of for an article to put into PawPrint. He asked the EA members if they had any questions that they would like him to ask her, please email him with those.

J. DeMarco reminded the next GPADS award will be given out on January 21.

VI. Committee Reports

Office of the Assemblies

H. Mandeville said that her and T. Johnson have met and worked on the EA election information.

T. Johnson proposed to make the changes to the charter that H. Mandeville has suggested.

P. Mahoney seconded it.

There was a discussion on the EA elections.

T. Johnson made a motion to change the charter as follows:

  • under 5.7 for the purpose of voting for and membership on the EA employees are defined as any regular fulltime or part time staff members in non exempt, exempt or academic non-professorial staff categories.
  • Employee definition change: for the purposes of voting for the membership on the ea. Employees are any regular fulltime or part time staff members in the non exempt, exempt or academic non-professorial staff categories.
  • Addition to 6.2.3: ex-officio members are encouraged to attend the EA meetings and should be included in all internal EA communications.
  • Delete bylaw 3.3A:

P. Mahoney seconded it.

J. DeMarco asked if there was any further discussion on the motion.

There was none.

The EA voted unanimously to approve the charter changes.

There was a discussion on the trustee bylaws.

There was a discussion on the election schedule.

C. Bucko made a motion to accept the election schedule.

D. Martyniak seconded it.

J. DeMarco asked if there was any further discussion on the motion.

There was none.

The EA voted unanimously to approve the election schedule.

H. Mandeville discussed the hare system for the elections.

D. Stein said that the hare system requires the candidate to get the majority of votes through out the university.

J. DeMarco asked H. Mandeville to email the hare system explanation out to the EA members because there are a couple of new members that are not familiar with it.

T. Johnson will be sending the election flyer electronically to all of the ea members. She also asked if the ea members could make copies of the fliers and pass them out in their area and if they are on any sort of a listserv, to please send out the information to that listserv.

There was a discussion on the IOC Interim Vacancy. If any EA member is interested, they need to email T. Johnson to let her know.

IOC Interim Vacancy

T. Johnson thanked everyone for sending in their nominations for interim Vice Chair. D. Goss was unanimously nominated.

D. Goss was unanimously voted in as interim Vice Chair. T. Johnson said that she would let D. Goss know since she was not able to attend the meeting.

VII. New Business

Orientations Program

J. DeMarco would like the EA to send to him what they would like to have seen in an Orientation Program when they first joined the EA. An orientation program will be worked on.

J. DeMarco spoke with Paul Streeter about having the EA serve as a clearing house or people to make suggestions to the workforce planning group anonymously. If anybody would like to work with J. DeMarco on this to please let him know.

VIII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Amy Huizinga

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715