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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

April 4, 2001 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 4, 2001
12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Board Room

I. Call to Order and Introductions

D. Darby, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:25 pm.


Present: Sharon Bahringer, Francisco Berry, Deb Billups, Dawn Darby, Joseph DeMarco, Thomas Hoebbel, Cindy Monroe, Marlene Reitz, Cheri Woodward

Excused: Timothy Anguish, Brian Goodell, Denise Howland, Dawne Martyniak

Others Present: Amy Bunce, Hope Mandeville

II. Approval of Minutes

D. Darby entertained a motion to approve the amended March 17th and 21st EA minutes.

T. Hoebbel made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.

D. Billups seconded it.

The EA minutes of March 17th and 21st were approved as amended.

III. Open Forum

D. Darby said that she would like to do a speaker list to limit the time to one minute.

T. Hoebbel handed out quarter cards letting the EA members know that Howard Zinn, a highly acclaimed scholar & activist, will be coming to Cornell University on Thursday, April 12th to speak about “Is Democracy Possible”? He asked the members to let the people in their department know about this.

D. Darby asked if there were any other items for open forum? There were none.

IV. Business of the Day

2001–2002 EA Election Results

Carol Bader, Statutory Non-Ex
Joe DeMarco, Endowed-Non Ex
Tom Hoebbel, Endowed-Ex
Denise Howland, Statutory Non-Ex
Patricia Mahoney, Geneva At-Large
Greg Pratt, Statutory-Ex

V. Old Business

Emergency Grant Fund

No report

Livable Wage

T. Hoebbel asked to have the vote on this suspended until the next EA meeting.

D. Darby asked for any objections. There were none.

Promotional Materials

No report

Seed Event

No report

Livable Wage

T. Hoebbel asked if the EA members received a copy of the letter to President Rawlings and his response letter on livable wage? They did. He asked for feedback about the EA joining the coalition group.

D. Darby asked what the Cornell Community Living Wage Coalition is working on?

T. Hoebbel said that they are working on having an information form.

M. Reitz asked if the coalition groups are housed on campus?

T. Hoebbel said that Justice for All is the only group that is not a campus group.

D. Billups said that she has read the letter and understands it to mean the President already supports this and that it will be happening over the next 5 years. If the EA becomes a member what are the obligations?

S. Bahringer feels that it would be a duplication of effort.

D.Darby feels that this is a true paradox. It is a timing issue “Now” vs.” Over the next 5 years”. People see the EA as the vehicle that brought this idea to them.

M. Reitz said that the EA does need to show support. The interpretation is that implemented this is happening even though it says a 5 year plan.

J. DeMarco asked is there is a main contact person for the coalition group?

T. Hoebbel said that Anke Wessels, Coordinator of CRESP, is the main point person to contact.

F, Berry feels that the EA can be supportive without joining the coalition.

T. Hoebbel feels that we can be supportive without joining the coalition but doesn’t see what the benefit would be for us not to join.

H. Mandeville asked T. Hoebbel to send out the information on the upcoming Zinn forum to the EA members via email.

T. Hoebbel will gather information and forward it on to the EA members.

VI. New Business

No report

VII. Report from Chair

D. Darby said that she submitted in writing a report at the last EA meeting about under represented She would like the areas of underrepresented seats to be reviewed. She would like the EA to consider these points.

T. Hoebbel said that it needs to be clarified because it is not clear.

J. DeMarco said that the councel’s office should be involved.

D. Darby said that she’s talked to Bonnie Bailey about why there are so many vague sections in the EA Charter. She was told that it was set up that way to be interpreted for each assembly. She asked the members to please come prepared for the next meeting to discuss this.

H. Mandeville said that there is a Handbook in the EA notebooks that the EA members received, has the EA decided to use this?

D. Darby said that the retreat committee would look at the handbook at the beginning of each year and determine any changes to the bylaws/sections.

J. DeMarco asked if there was a procedure for EA members to submit articles to PawPrint “from EA New and Views”. Is the EA going to rotate turns and submit articles?

D. Billups said that at one time the EA had talked about rotating.

M. Reitz suggested that the EA should submit an article every time for PawPrint otherwise, the EA will loose their spot.

T. Hoebbel stated that this item is not the agenda and should be put on the agenda for the next EA meeting.

D. Billups agreed with T. Hoebbel.

VIII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:26 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Amy Bunce

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715