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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

December 15, 1999 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, December 15, 1999
12:15 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Board Room

I. Call to Order and Introductions

M.Esposito called the meeting to order at 12:24 p.m.

Present: T. Calvert, D. Darby, J. DeMarco, M. Esposito, B. Goodell, S. Johnson, CJ. Lance-Duboscq, M. Overstrom, C. Woodward, J. Worden

Absent: D. Howland

Excused: T. Hoebbel, A. Vail

Others present: Cris Gardner

II. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of November 17, 1999 and December 1, 1999 were unanimously approved. [No one present at the 1/19/00 EA meeting recalled an amendment to the November 17 minutes. Therefore the minutes of November 17 and December 1 were unanimously approved and reference to any amendment was deleted.]

III. Open Forum

M.Esposito suggested half a day rather than a full day for the January/February EA Retreat. Whether it will be in the morning or afternoon will be decided later.

M.Overstrom and J.DeMarco, who usually attend as the EA representatives, will not be able to go to the Employee Night at the Court meetings. B.Goodell agreed to assume this position. It was noted that the menu would be changed to a spaghetti dinner.

D.Darby announced a proposal for a preliminary meal plan for staff. Dining and Marketing Services want to develop a focus group to work on the many issues and questions. One issue is that employees are still on campus at times when students are not. The focus group will work on some of these, as well as sampling food choices, and getting word out to campus about the plan. D.Chapman was suggested as a choice of one of the focus group members.

IV. Business of the Day

a. Evaluations

In regard to the relief fund proposal, S.Johnson said that Financial Planning & Budget Management VP Carolyn Ainslie and Mary Opperman are setting a meeting with the Relief Fund Group ad hoc in early January to further define how this fund will be administered. Some suggestions were given for raising money for this fund such as an optional payroll deduction, a donations barrel at employee days, etc.

M.Esposito cited the changes and improvements to the EA Charter and thanked C.J.Lance-Duboscq and C.Gardner. He states these will make matters of business easier in the future.

M.Esposito also cited the Presidential Address receiving positive feedback and that ideas continue to come for future addresses.

The Campus Climate Planning Committee developed the Campus Diversity Statement, “Open Hearts, Open Minds.” Recently the statement received unanimous endorsement by the Faculty Senate. Dean of Faculty, Robert Cooke, commented that this is the first time ever where a statement has been endorsed without dissent.

M.Overstrom raised the start-up of the front-line feedback sessions. Four have taken place in the College of Human Ecology.

J.DeMarco cited the EA display in the first floor Day Hall case.

B.Goodell cited the success of TAC and the input of C.J.Lance-Duboscq and T.Hoebbel in the past year to have the membership work with the EA representative.

M.Esposito expressed his thought that the foundations committee needs to continue to do it’s work in the future so that committees are operating according to their designed function.

M.Overstrom brought up the amount of involvement by the Employee Assembly members at employee day and employee night events. She questions whether the EA might also benefit from the proceeds of these. The CRC organizes the chicken cooking. The committee chair is an OHR employee and the administrative assistant is Janet Beebe. A number of retirees assist, as members of the CRC council. Meg raised the concern that the EA supports these events both in physical and monetary support.

D.Darby expressed concern that every CU employee is a member of CRC. The employee day committee is comprised of CRC members, including OHR and other employees, as well as retirees. How would the proceeds be fairly distributed among all these constituents?

M.Esposito stated Meg raised a valid point: the EA membership shows up en masse to serve and help at the employee day functions. Why can’t the CRC council members also do the same?

J.Worden raised the issue of EA members being used more purposefully at the events. The CRC and OHR members have an established system for preparing and serving food, collecting tickets, and restocking items. EA members who come only to serve food aren’t aware of or prepared for the system and therefore are not in the know.

B.Goodell suggested there be more advertising and solicitation for volunteers, or sign-ups at the employee day events. He is not as concerned about the proceeds from the events. He would not want to see CRC lose funds or loose ability to support the functions.

J.DeMarco suggested the employee days/nights could serve to increase visibility for the EA. He suggested that some of the proceeds might be used to support the relief fund.

T.Calvert added that the CRC has had low visibility and low membership. Perhaps an article in the PawPrint would boost employee interest and participation.

M.Esposito requested that these ideas be discussed with CRC at a later time.

V. Committee Reports

a. Advisory Committee of Work and Family Services

C.Woodward reported that a search is underway for Sr. Consultant in Work and Family Services. That unit will report to Lynette Chappel-Williams.

b. Campus Climate Planning Committee

D.Darby reported that the Campus Climate Planning Committee (staff members only) has proceeded with a staff initiative for creating focus groups to determine how the committee is doing as a group. The committee proposes to produce a survey to start evaluating progress.

c. University Benefits Committee

C.Woodward reported the University Benefits Committee has not held a meeting since November. L.Clougherty was nominated this year’s vice chair.

d. Student Assembly

It was reported that the student activity fee is scheduled to increase to $94.


C.J.Lance-Duboscq will e-mail a synopsis of updates from the GPSA.

f. University Assembly

B.Goodell reported the University Assembly unanimously endorsed the campus diversity statement. The group discussed the claim that the university holiday calendar omitted observances of some holidays. The group also discussed the question of whether staff should be accountable to the campus judicial administrator, as the student population is.

C.Gardner added that some of the discussion arose from the James Maas case. The University Counsel’s Office claimed the Maas case appeal should have been differently charged. It was thrown out by the Codes and Judicial Committee with the claim that faculty and staff should be bifurcated in the process.

B.Goodell added that faculty may be coming to a resolution with employees entering their classes without their knowledge or approval.

g. Faculty Senate

No report.

h. Communications Committee

J.DeMarco reported the Communications Committee has received only one logo contest entry. The contest will be placed on hold until after the new year. He added that the awards sub-committee had decided to sponsor four award receptions per year rather than six.

J.Worden added that committee members are feeling overwhelmed with the review and award process. The committee will present a proposal to Mary Opperman, asking for members of the OHR community to become involved.

i. Employee Education

No report.

j. PPC

No report.

k. CRC

M.Overstrom reported the need to find a replacement for her seat on CRC.

l. IOC

No report.

m. TAC

T.Calvert reported the parking garage on campus would close after commencement for scheduled repairs and maintenance. The Office of Transportation Services proposes the following rate increases for the period July, 2000 through June, 2005: a one percent increase in rate each year for tiers I and II, a two percent increase in rate each year for tiers III and IV, and a three percent increase in rate each year for tiers V and VI.

J.Worden reported that Bill Wendt, Director of Office of Transportation Services, will attend the January 24th TAC meeting to discuss the parking demand management plan and the rate increase proposal.

n. Executive

No report.

p. Frontline Feedback

M.Overstrom reported that D.Darby will replace her on the Frontline Feedback committee. S.Johnson has been instrumental in getting the program launched in Human Ecology. The committee is now planning something for the libraries.

q. Relief Fund Group ad hoc

No report.

r. Budget ad hoc

No report.

VI. Adjournment

B.Goodell announced Pat Karn, in the Office of Assemblies, is retiring in January. He also added Dennis Carlson, Chair of the University Assembly, will resign in January to assume employment.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Jayne Worden

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715