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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution One: Employee Trustee Petitions

Whereas: The Employee-elected Trustee is an integral part of campus governance, and

Whereas: candidates for the position of Employee-elected Trustee should be considered viable candidates based on issues, ideas, and vision, and

Whereas: potential candidates may be hindered and intimidated by having to solicit other employees to fill a petition, and

Whereas: viable candidates may be employed in small offices, or off campus, and

Whereas: The EA charter states:

Article 5:
Elections shall be conducted by the EA Internal Operations Committee (IOC). The formalities of the nominations and elections process will be held to a minimum, so as to encourage as many employees as possible to run. The IOC will develop specific guidelines to accomplish this, avoiding any procedure that would tend to intimidate employees or discourage them from participating. The content of petition and forms and the length of the petitioning period should be among those items considered.


Whereas: the goal of the IOC and the Trustee Nominating Committee should be to facilitate the elections process in such a way that there exists and ample roster of viable candidates based on issues, ideas, and vision, and not the number of people that sign a petition requiring the same number of signatures (200) as required for students running for the Trustee position, a population that is double that of staff, may discourage some viable and qualified candidates from running for this important position,

Be it therefore recommended: that the IOC and the Trustee Nominating Committee consider changing the current requirement of having candidates produce a petition with Two-hundred (200) signatures, to a less encumbered requirement of a petition of one hundred (100) signatures.

Respectfully submitted,
Jayne Worden
Employee Assembly

As unanimously approved by the Employee Assembly on November 17, 1999.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715