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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

September 1, 1999 Minutes

Employee Assembly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 1, 1999
12:15 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.
Day Hall Board Room

I. Call to Order and Introductions

M.Esposito called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.

Introductions were made around the table. Two guests present were Linda Clougherty, University Assembly member, and Michael Moschella, Student Assembly member.

Present: T.Calvert, D.Darby, J.DeMarco, M.Esposito, C.Gardner, B.Goodell, T.Hoebbel, D.Howland, S. Johnson, M. Overstrom, A.Vail, C. Woodward, J.Worden, L. Clougherty, M. Moschella

II.Approval of Minutes

The minutes of June 16, 1999 were unanimously approved.

III.Open Forum

S. Johnson announced the drafting of a preliminary proposal for the establishment of a benevolent fund. The draft proposal was distributed. Comments and feedback are requested as soon as possible. She and B. Goodell will meet soon with Fred Rogers and Mary Opperman to review the proposal with them.

J. Worden distributed three thank you cards, one for each of the retreat facilitators (Roxi Hewertson, Chet Warzynski, and Jim Cain), for members to write their appreciation. Letters of thanks will also be sent to the supervisors of these three: Hal Craft, Mary Opperman, and Karl Johnson.

J.DeMarco announced the next award period for the George Peter Award for Dedicated Service is scheduled for October or early November.

IV. Business of the Day

M. Esposito asked the group for comments and feedback about the Employee Assembly retreat.

T. Calvert expressed it was good to get away from the work and campus.

S. Johnson stated she had thought the low ropes course would be physically challenging, but she had fun at it.

D. Darby found the experience to be personally enriching and wonders how we use the retreat for our work on the Assembly. She added that the EA acts as an autonomous group that needs to report or communicate both for and from our constituents.

M. Esposito asked the two members not present at the retreat (T.Hoebbel and C.Woodward) if they had any questions or if they were able to understand what took place at the retreat from their meetings with Chet and Roxi.

T. Hoebbel expressed he wished he could have attended. He was in Ireland.

C. Woodward thanked the group for understanding her decision not to attend the retreat. There were several pressing work and family business matters she had to deal with this summer and she felt she could not devote herself fully to the retreat. She really wanted to give her all to it.

M.Overstrom asked what are the goals of the EA from this day forward?

M. Esposito stated that at the top of the list were getting T.Hoebbel and C. Woodward up to speed about what transpired at the retreat. This has happened. He expressed his desire to see a change in how we work as a group, saying we need to think about how we conduct our meetings and especially need to find a way to include the Geneva campus in our business. He also expressed his concern that fewer people were doing many things to contribute to the work of the EA and this affects personal effectiveness and rate of burnout among members.

D. Darby questioned whether we could quantify our commitment of hours.

M. Esposito relayed this would be difficult to do.

Another goal from the retreat is coming up with a revised logo for the EA. Exploration of logo development was one of our work tasks at the retreat. After a brief discussion among EA members about the need to change our logo, a motion was made to have a contest to generate a new design. The idea was unanimously approved. J. DeMarco offered to have the Communications Committee begin work to establish a contest.

J. Worden spoke of a conversation she had with Carl Cohen of Transportation Management Services. He expressed his concern that the Transportation Advisory Committee hadn’t been effective this past year. Members who have attended meetings have described to him a feeling of the group spinning its wheels. J. Worden asked whether the EA should develop goals or objectives to present to its constituent committees, as well as specific expectations the EA has which are outside of the Charters.

D. Darby expressed that she is willing, and thinks the EA should be, to approach those committees she is a member of with goals and expectations from the EA.

The newsprint from the retreat has the group’s work and findings. CJ offered to put this information into a different format. M. Esposito asked to table discussion until next month’s meeting when the group will identify specific goals for the year ahead.

V. Old Business

A.Vail reported that a workshop on Parliamentarian Procedures is scheduled for Wednesday, September 29, 12–2PM in the Day Hall Board Room. Professor Emeritus Russell Martin, Communications Department, will give the presentation at no cost to the EA. Overheads will be used, as well as the little blue book. A.Vail will send an e-mail announcement to constituent chairs. All executive members of EA should attend. Pizza will be provided courtesy of the Assemblies Office.

J. Worden reported on the status of the EA budget. Following payment of expenses for the retreat, for photos used in the Day Hall display case, for one cake at the August 4 GPADS reception, and the cost of athletics (tickets) for the last Employee Day, the budget balance is around $3,500. C. Gardner agreed to pay half the retreat costs, provided there is no carry forward balance in the EA budget at year’s end. This provides some relief - an additional $700 in the budget, or approximately $4,200 for the remainder of 1999–2000. Considering the costs for 1997 Employee Open Forum along with the suggested food options for the President’s Address, expenses may run in the thousands of dollars. So that we can continue with the year’s activities, we need to think about cost-effective spending. This may mean more work for EA members. The usual activities of the assembly: one annual service appreciation and four quarterly receptions cost at least $1,000, an annual campus hockey tournament and Employee Day expenses total more than $600, and cost of $200/yr for monthly lunch meetings with Mary Opperman and Fred Rogers. Requests for expenses against the budget should be submitted to Jayne as quickly as possible. The budget ad-hoc committee hasn’t met since last spring, but will in the near future to establish budget and spending criteria.

M. Overstrom reported on planning for the President’s Address on October 12, 12–2 in Kennedy Hall. The group has explored the idea of having pizza from Cornell Catering; meat and condiment platters from Dining; or meal tickets for a suggested amount of $5 per person, good at any dining facility. The group continues to discuss advertising and the coordination of a busing schedule. Once the food, location and timing for lunch have been confirmed, the committee can provide a briefing for President Rawlings.

Questions arose about what each food choice entails, e.g., delivery, cost, set-up. A suggested maximum amount for the meal ticket is $5; should it be less? Are the tickets for use anywhere on campus and only on October 12? Would this plan lead to losing attendees following the talk? What amount of work is required for Dining to deliver platters and drinks? Since C.J.Lance-Duboscq has information to address these questions and she was unable to attend today’s meeting, Michael asked to table further discussion on food for this event.

M. Esposito reported a need for another statutory appointed representative to the University Benefits Committee. M. Overstrom questioned the minimum number of members needed. T. Calvert and L. Clougherty are on this committee and both are statutory representatives. A. Vail, an endowed representative, expressed his desire to drop off the committee. C. Woodward volunteered to join the committee.

M. Esposito discussed the need to schedule monthly lunches with Mary Opperman and Fred Rogers. Attendance has been poor at these sessions and the EA has offered fewer questions for discussion. M. Esposito emphasized the need for those posing a question to be present during the lunch discussion to clarify comments and possibly explain the question(s).

A. Vail spoke of a conversation he had with M.Opperman recently when she expressed a preference not to meet when the EA has no questions.

J. Worden commented that costs for food provided at the meetings is around $200 per year.  If attendance is poor, should we consider having fewer meetings, perhaps quarterly, or schedule meetings at another time of the day?

M. Esposito asked for questions for F.Rogers and M.Opperman for a September meeting. He will ask the Office of Assemblies to schedule the meeting room for every third Monday of the month. If there are no questions generated by the group prior to the meeting, that month’s lunch would be cancelled.

VI. New Business — Art Show

L. Clougherty reported on plans for a fine arts exhibit to be held September 19 through October 2 as a kick-off event for Staff Celebration Week. Each artist may present up to three items for review by a panel of judges. Dennis Stein has agreed to be a judge and support person for the event. L.Clougherty has commissioned help from the Tompkins County Art Council. An article announcing the show appeared in Paw Print two weeks ago and another will be in the September 2nd edition.

L.Clougherty asked for EA endorsement and sponsorship of the Art Show. The membership unanimously voted and approved sponsoring the art show.

L.Clougherty asked for help with details after September 10 and with hanging and tagging artwork on September 19.

M. Overstrom, T. Hoebbel, and J. DeMarco offered to assist. L.Clougherty believes Larry Russell and his wife have also offered to help.

VII. Report from Chair

a. Employee Day — 9/25/99

M. Esposito announced Employee Day on Saturday, September 25. There will be a home football game starting at 1PM followed by a chicken barbecue or vegetarian entr�e meal served in Barton Hall, 3:30–5:30PM. Michael asked as many as possible to volunteer for this event. M. Overstrom is in charge of organizing volunteers from the EA. Supervisors (B.Goodell, S.Johnson, J.Worden, M.Overstrom) should arrive at least one half hour before the meal starts. She asks volunteers to confirm attendance and meal choice to Janet Beebe of CRC.

J. DeMarco is in charge of reserving tables for informational and educational displays.

M. Esposito asked if EA would have a display. J.DeMarco confirmed that the Communication Committee would work on this.

b. Day of Caring — 9/15/99

M. Esposito announced the Day of Caring, an annual day of volunteering in local service organizations, held this year on Wednesday, September 15. Everyone meets at Stewart Park in the morning. Lunch is provided. This is a kick-off event for the United Way Campaign that opens the same day. The EA bi-weekly meeting will be cancelled that day so EA members can participate. Members should e-mail confirmation of attendance to A. Cutler.

c. United Way Campaign

M. Esposito is on the United Way Steering Committee. Contributions in the past have been good and the goal is met every year. Participation is only 22% among staff and faculty. The committee wants to work toward increased participation. There are many reasons speculated about why this is so.

M. Esposito wants a display table for the United Way at Employee Day. On a personal level he hoped EA members would become involved in the campaign.

d. Social Opportunities

M. Esposito expressed the importance of social activities among our group members. We serve on committees and work at various jobs. The retreat revealed that some of us are interested in social interaction, getting to know each other outside of Cornell, and in just having fun.

T. Hoebbel and D. Darby volunteered to organize social events for the EA.

D. Darby announced an event, co-sponsored by NICHE , CRC, and Coyote Loco, on September 23, 4:30–7PM titled “Loco Night at Monkey Run.” Various foods and beverages from Coyote Loco will be served. The Monkey Run location is the CRC park. She will forward details to members of EA.

VIII. Adjournment

M. Esposito asked if we should think about holding next month’s meeting at another location.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Jayne A. Worden 1999–2000 EA Secretary/Treasurer

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715