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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

September 15, 1998 Minutes

Employee Assembly Minutes
Tuesday, September 15, 1998
153 Uris Hall
12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

I. Call to Order and Introductions

II. Open Forum

  • M.Esposito suggested that the Employee Assembly pursue the possibility of an invitation for EA members to the Trustee Dinner/Luncheon at their October on-campus meeting
  • L.Russell questioned what was being done about people who wanted to run for seats on the EA whose bosses prevented them from participating.
  • Following a discussion of the format of EA minutes, it was agreed that a summary rather than detailed minutes were appropriate; bulleting and highlighting main points, with the exception of when business is conducted and a vote is taken. For accountability reasons, when a vote is taken more details should be given. It was pointed out that tapes of the meetings are kept for one full year in the Office of Assemblies. In the future this hybrid style of minutes will be tried. It was requested that the attendance record in the graph format be included with the agendas and minutes in the future.
  • M.Overstrom informed the group that computer kiosks for employees without access to computers within the context of their job are being considered by another committee on campus. M.Overstrom and L.Clougherty agreed to be EA spokespersons for this effort.

III. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of 9/2/98 were unanimously adopted with the following amendments:

  • IV. D. Expo 98 - September 23 Add: “Tom is working on this effort and asked EA members to sign up for one hour shifts to staff the table.”
  • IV. E. Staff Celebration Week - September 28 Add: “M.Overstrom, J.DeMarco, M.Esposito and C.Gardner volunteered to work on the celebration.”
  • V. - P2K Add: “G.Brandt mentioned that HR has gone through this training and that the training and facilities were excellent.”

IV. Old Business

a.EA vacancies -

Seated members currently occupy EA seats which may not directly correspond to their job classification or college. Seats will be realigned, if necessary, so the composition of members reflects the membership as outlined in the Charter. M.Overstrom will report back to the Assembly at the next meeting. To date, three people have requested petitions. Jayne Worden, Rose Waters, and Cheryl Frank. Applications and materials are due September 30. The IOC will meet with the applicants and make a recommendation to the full assembly. This recommendation will include all top applicants who will then be asked to come before the full assembly. If there are more than 2 top applicants, the EA will make the final decision.

b. Employee Day -

Four volunteers are needed to be line supervisors. C.Gardner and M.Esposito volunteered.

c. Day Hall Display Board -

The EA hopes to have a display in the Day Hall showcase in February.

d. Assemblies Annual retreat - Wednesday, September 2 -

Recap - The EA should review information packets and propose action plans regarding diversity and town gown relationships. There is a need to get the Administration involved and to this end the topic has been placed on the Assemblies Leadership Meeting agenda.

e. PawPrint Insert -

T. Hoebbel will talk to D.Stein about doing a mock-up which he hopes to bring the EA prior to publication.

f. Staff Celebration Week - September 28

It was decided not to distribute flowers to employees during the Staff Celebration Week, but rather to use the funds requested for other activities, such as: Cornell Cinema discount, free skating at Lynah Rink (M.Esposito and G.Brandt respectively will explore these options); 10 to 15% off employee lunches; campus store discount; coupon for drawing of prizes in PawPrint; and a social hour at lunch with Mary Opperman. The organizers are looking to do something special each day of the week. All activities must be confirmed and are due by Monday, Sept. 21.

g. Roving EA meetings -

Individual members will identify location near their place of work for the second meeting of the month. Tom Hoebbel will arrange for the October 21 meeting to be held in Comstock Hall. David Di Bene will arrange a meeting place on North Campus for the November 18 meeting. Further, the individual who identifies an alternate location will be responsible for advertising the meeting time, date and location to encourage attendance.

V. Committee Reports

a. Communications Committee -

It was reported that the Communications Committee is willing to help with the PawPrint insert.

b. Hockey Tournament -

The Pep Band Director is willing and looking forward to sending people again this year to play the weekend of January 23 and 29 at the All-Campus Hockey Tournament. Concern was raised that the Hockey tournament does not coincide with Employee Night at the Court scheduled for January 16.

VI. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

Contact EA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715