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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

March 10, 2009 Agenda

  1. Approval of minutes of February 17, 2009, meeting. (1 minute)
  2. Update from UA (14 minutes)
    • submission of language for swimming or bathing in Fall Creek, Cascadilla, Beebee Lake as a violation of Title III, art 2, A 3 K).
    • Judicial Board recommendations
    • other suggested code changes from the CJC’s previous meeting
  3. Review MB’s suggestions regarding hearings for “minor cases.” (10 minutes)
  4. Suggestions for changes to the Code from JA (30 minutes)
    • Scrivener’s errors and Kevin’s suggestion: amend just A.1 (no change is needed to A.2 or A.3) to read: It shall be a violation of this Title, as an offense against another person [OR THE UNIVERSITY] � [new text in all CAPS]
    • Require witnesses to participate in disciplinary system. New language from MB?
    • Add sexual misconduct and non-consensual sodomy, as defined in Policy 6.3.
    • Specify marijuana in A.3.d.
    • Use parallel language when prohibiting underage drinking (A.3.b) as when prohibiting drug use; this would also clarify other violations.
    • Provide more flexibility for the length of suspension.
    • Budget-related discussion items: Simplify judicial board process, income from fines
  5. New business (4 minutes)
    • Request from Tim Marchell: To be consistent with best practices regarding eliminating hazing, please add the following language to 1f (p. 17) (requested change in ALL CAPS): To haze another person. Hazing, REGARDLESS OF THE PERSON’S WILLINGNESS TO PARTICIPATE, means an act that, as an explicit or implicit condition for initiation �
  6. Time, date, and location for next meeting (1 minute)

Contact CJC

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715