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April 23, 2013 Minutes

Codes and Judicial Committee, University Assembly
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
B12 Day Hall

G. Mezey called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.

The committee discussed Resolution 2, the Resolution to Modify Campus Code to Clarify the Rights of Complainants to Appeal Summary Decision Agreements. M. B. Grant stated that there were initially three proposed code changes. She reported that two of these were not ever disputed. She added that her office was no longer pursuing the third code change. M. B. Grant noted that the resolution allows notices to be sent simultaneously but does not require this. It was felt that requiring that notices be sent together would increase the risk of an error being made. Also, she stated that some of the paragraphs had been reordered as suggested previously.

The committee unanimously approved the amendment as described and then voted on the resolution.

Resolution 2 passed with a vote of 5 in favor, 0 opposing, and 0 abstaining.

The committee discussed the logistics of the public comment period for the proposed code changes regarding the Resolution to Clarify Responsible Free Expression in the Campus Code of Conduct.

R. Lieberwitz expressed concern about some of the formatting of the document. Specifically, she said it was not clear what the deletions and additions were. She suggested that a note be made on the document to clarify the formatting conventions used. She also noted that the period for public comment was shrinking with only about two days remaining. She noted the importance of having a public comment period long enough for the committee to appear sincere in its efforts. P. Scelfo agreed that the time remaining for public comments was shorter what would optimally be allowed, adding that many students, though interested, are very busy this time of year and might miss their opportunity.

G. Mezey recognized the issue of the brief time period but suggested that students and staff might respond favorably to the time pressure inherent in such a short comment period. P. Scelfo disagreed with this assertion. G. Mezey stated that the issue was the impending end of the year, coming effectively with the UA’s final meeting in a week. He suggested making a recommendation to the UA at the next committee meeting, with intentions to continually submit comments as they are received. R. Lieberwitz asked to extend the comment period to noon on Friday. R. Wayne suggested that committee members ask people whom they know to be interested to participate in the comment period.

K. Zoner agreed that the time period should be extended but expressed concern over the committee’s ability to make such requests for comment in an unbiased manner. A. Epstein said that all the assemblies could be notified and, provided that interested people have their thoughts collected, some good, timely comments can be expected.

The committee entered Executive Session to discuss Hearing and Review Board appointments.

Respectfully submitted,

Noah Wegener
Assemblies Clerk

Contact CJC

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715