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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution to Amend Campus Code of Conduct to Prohibit Swimming in Gorges

WHEREAS the University Assembly (UA) has legislative authority over the Campus Code of Conduct (the Code) defined in Article 1, Section 1 of its charter.

WHEREAS Part II, Chapter 250, Section 250—3 of the City of Ithaca Municipal Code prohibits swimming or bathing in any city waters except those waters designated as such.

WHEREAS no waters traversing the Cornell University campus are designated by the City of Ithaca as swimming or bathing waters.

WHEREAS rules and regulations are often adopted to increase awareness of dangerous situations and to attempt to decrease accidental loss of life.

WHEREAS no less than four Cornell students have died since 2006 from drowning as a direct result from entering said prohibited city waters.

RESOLVED that Title Three, Article 2, Section A.3 of the Code be amended by adding paragraph “l” as follows:

l. To enter any waters of Fall Creek, Cascadilla Creek, or Beebe Lake that are on or traverse the campus (within the City of Ithaca) for the purpose of swimming and/or bathing, except in those waters officially designated as swimming or bathing waters.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy R. Zoner
Codes and Judicial Committee member

UA Sponsor Name, Affiliation (Undergraduate, Graduate, Staff, Faculty)
Member, University Assembly

Contact CJC

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715