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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20081106 Agenda

Agenda for November 6, 2008
163 Day Hall

1. Shot summary of last year

2. Elect new officers: Chair, vice chair, co-secretaries

3. Judicial Board interview selections: from Ari

OJA would like a second staffing drive to fill up the student pool and possibly increase the size of the employee pool.

It’s worth discussing another expansion of the pool size for students: apparently students are less and less available and number of hearings keeps growing.

4. From Kathy Zone, Police:

It shall also be a violation of this Title:

k. To bathe in, swim in, or for purposes of swimming and/or bathing enter any waters that are on, adjacent to, or traverse the Cornell University Campus except in those waters officially designated as swimming or bathing waters.

From UA: Univ. jurisdiction over water? If swimming with family — just dad gets JAed? Isn’t it enough to tell people to leave dangerous areas or to fill in the dangerous holes with cement or rocks?

5. Stephan Spilkowitz, student:

Stephan had the idea that defamation, libel, and slander be added to the Code as violations. He would like to present this idea to the CJC in the fall when things resume.

6. From Jonathan Ochshorn, Associate Professor, Architecture:

I was concerned about the concept of “reputational interests of the University itself” as one of several “interests and purposes” that the University must protect and promote, according to text in the meeting handout. I ask that the notion of “reputational interests” be reconsidered.

This appears in Title 1

7. Time, date, and location for next meeting

Contact CJC

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715