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November 30, 2005 CJC Minutes

Codes and Judicial Committee
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
389 Myron Taylor Hall

Present: K. Rourke, Miriam Krisa, K. Zoner, Kimberly Lewis, M. Hatch, Ex officio: Linda Falkson, Assoc. JA; Ellis Lowe, SA Liason; Mary Beth Grant, Judicial Administrator; Peggy Beach, Campus Relations-Director of Office of Assemblies Guest: Randy Wang

I. Hearing and Review Boards

  1. Nominations for Hearing and Review Boards go directly to U.A. for processing. Peggy Beach will see that this is changed in the Codes book.
  2. The Hearing and Review Boards candidate pool will be merged, if it is only a procedural questions. This procedure question will be looked into by the JA�s office and OA office and will be discussed at a subsequent meeting of the CJC.

II. Judicial Administrator topics.

  1. Oversight of the JA: it is an independent office, reappointed every two years; complaints about the JA’s office go to the University Ombundsman; it is recommended that protocol for oversight be drawn up and publicized. Oversight will be discussed at the January meeting.
  2. Who can request a hearing? And when must the hearing take place? P. 41 of the code, covers the calling of hearing. If, for example, an accused person wants a hearing before a the JA has finished with the case, are there limits on how long the accused need wait for the case to be completed?

III. UA Fora

Ellis Lowe briefed on University Assembly: focus is on Sustainable Parking fora now. The Hearing Board Chair will attend the January meeting of the CJC to discuss who will decide when the JA is required to present a case to the Hearing Board. K. Rourke suggested that the Hearing Board Chair be empowered to make that decision.

IV. Task Force for Campus Safety

Randy Wang (from the Task Force for Campus Safety) asked the CJC to consider a proposal to extend to 2 years the statute of limitations for violent crimes. A motion to change #1 on P.52 in two places to increase to two years for all crimes was tabled for consideration at the January meeting.

V. Items Tabled for January Meeting

Linda Falkson brought two items for consideration. They were tabled to be considered at the January meeting.

VI. Campus Code of Conduct

Peggy Beech reported that Barbara Kraus (former J.A.) has been charged by Pres Rawlings to review issues that have been identified with the Campus Code and make recommendations and draft changes where appropriate. Barbara plans to meet with the CJC as a part of her review. (The CJC will ask Barbara for a description of the issues and a list of the relevant sections of the code which she will be considering.) The minutes of October 19, 2005 were accepted as corrected.

VII. Schedule Remaining Meetings

The next meeting of the CJC was scheduled for Wednesday, 25 January, 12:15 in Myron Taylor Hall

VIII. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 1:25 pm.

Submitted M. Hatch

Contact CJC

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715