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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 18, 2004 Minutes


Codes and Judicial Committee

Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:00pm

Present: R. Helms, M. Grant, K. Clermont, K. Rourke, K. Zoner, S. Braig, M. Mosio, B. Burlew, T. Bishop.

I. Approval of minutes

December 11, 2003 R. Helms asked for comments of the minutes. Minutes were approved.

II. Regular Meeting Time

Members present said that Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the afternoon seem to work best for meetings.

III. Code changes from JA

A. Add to Title Three, Article II a new section “BB” that would prohibit the possession of firearms and weapons.

M. Grant gave an example of a situation where a loaded gun was found under a bed in a residence hall. K. Zoner’s change would make it clear that you cannot have weapons.

R. Helms said that it might be too broad. How could CJC prohibit specifically what is needed but not include other things that students might have like num-chucks. It is a weapon, but also used for athletics.

K. Zoner said that it is still illegal in NYS and students will be arrested and the weapon will be confiscated.

There was further discussion and MB stated that there is a section about firearms and weapons. (Page 121).

K. Rourke said that it is already in the code.

K. Zoner said that it’s in the code, but under the section that the Cornell Police are not allowed to enforce without a sanction form the president. She is looking for a transfer from that section to the Cornell Police section so that people can get an education sanction or a warning.

There was further discussion and K. Rourke made a motion to adapt “C” on page 14 as discussed to put a period before “Subject to the exceptions�” and add that as “BB” to page 24.

B. Burlew seconded.

The motion passes unanimously.

IV. Items from Hearing Board chair (see memo of April 10, 2003)

A. Ensure same panel looks at “changed circumstances” in cases of suspension

R. Helms said that this memo was brought to the CJC by Joel Atlas. J. Atlas would like to have the same panel for appeals. (Page 36, #5)

There was a discussion and K. Chabot made a motion to leave it as is.

K. Rourke seconded.

There was discussion and K. Chabot withdrew his motion.

S. Braig motioned to come back to it later.

K. Rourke seconded.

B. Allow chair of the board to issue procedural rulings without panel override

V. Adjournment

R. Helms adjourned at 3:00.

Contact CJC

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715