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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

November 12, 2003 Minutes

Draft Minutes
Codes and Judicial Committee
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
501F Day Hall

Present: R. Helms, M. Grant, S. Malladi, B. Chabot, B. Burlew, T. Bishop, K. Rourke, S. Braig

I. Approval of minutes

October 15, 2003

R. Helms asked for comments of the minutes. K. Rourke moved to approve the minutes. S. Braig seconded. Minutes were approved.

II. UHB Vacancies

K. Rourke said that she and K. Zoner interviewed a grad in the Law School to fill the grad vacancy. They both agreed that he would do very well on the Hearing Board. B. Burlew motioned to approve the grad. R. Helms seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

III. Report from UA

A. Separation of recommendations regarding alcohol policy

R. Helms said that the alcohol recommendations were objectionable to the undergrads on the UA. The vote was tied 7–7. There was some discussion about going to the SA and discussing it with them. K. Rourke motioned to send R. Helms and M. Grant to the SA meeting and talk with them. R. Helms seconded. K. Rourke motioned to resubmit the change to the community work to the UA. B. Chabot seconded. Both motions pass unanimously.

IV. Changes to CJC Charter

A. Responsibilities for board interviews.

R. Helms said that he would like to make it clear that the CJC makes the decisions on how to recommend filling the UHB to the UA. The CJC charter currently says that the CJC shall provide advice to the Committee on Committees in selecting slates of qualified candidates for the UHB. He proposed changing it to read: The CJC shall establish and implement procedures for reviewing applicants to the University Hearing and Review Boards. The committee shall recommend a slate of qualified applicants to the University Assembly. K. Rourke motioned to approve the change. S. Braig seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

B. Attendance Policy

R. Helms said that at the September meeting there was some talk about having an attendance policy. He suggested that they not have one. K. Rourke said that it would be nice to have, but they would have to discuss what an excused and unexcused absence would be. There was a discussion and the members agreed that they would just monitor attendance and let the assemblies know who was not attending.

V. Code changes from JA

A. Add to title Three, Article II a new section “BB” that would prohibit the possession of firearms and weapons.

K. Zoner was not present at the meeting. The members put this on hold until she can attend.

B. Allow other sanctions for violations or probation.

There was a discussion on Title Three, Article III A.2.e: “For any violation during the probationary period, the student may be suspended for a stated period not to exceed one year, or indefinitely with the right to petition the Hearing Board at any time for readmission or dismissed.”

M. Grant wanted to allow other sanctions to give the JA’s office more flexibility. The current sanction seems limited and lesser sanctions may be more appropriate.

There was further discussion on what it should say and the members worked together to word it: “For any violation during a probationary periods, the student may be subject to additional sanctions for any violation of probation.” B. Burlew motioned to approve the change. S. Braig seconded. The motion passes unanimously.

C. Allow other sanctions for registered organizations.

There was no time to discuss.

VI. Adjournment

R. Helms adjourned at 3:05.

Contact CJC

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715