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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

April 12, 1996 Minutes

Meeting Minutes April 12, 1996 10:00 - 10:45 G80, Myron Taylor Hall

Attending Members: David Delchamps, Faculty; Errol Dominguez, Graduate Student; Randy Hausner (Chair), Staff; Greg Heibel, Graduate Student; Michael Kazarinoff, Faculty; Kenna Madigan (Secretary), Staff; and Kathleen Rourke, Staff.

David briefly reviewed the introductory letter that was sent out to prospective committee members before interviews were conducted last year as well as the Judicial Board interview outline. The group agreed that the letter would be updated and signed by David and sent out immediately to prospective candidates for committee seats.

Feelings were that the letter served a good purpose in introducing candidates to the committees and gave the interviewers an idea as to whether the candidates had done their “homework”.

Committee members were asked to let Anne know when they were free to conduct interviews for committee seats on April 22, 26, 29, and 30th.

It was decided that two interviewers per session with a total of 4 applicant interviews would be scheduled for those available to interview.

Randy will ask that interviews be set up separated between students and staff. The same questions will be used as last year. A ranking list with high to low will be included in the packets that Ann will hand out prior to the interview process beginning.

The remaining March 15, 1996 agenda items were reviewed.

  1. Virginia Tech. situation with the rape case.
    • Questions arose as to whether or not Cornell was protected from the above situation, whether or not Cornell has a process that is good and fair, and whether or not we follow it.
  2. UA position statement on sexual harassment policy.
  3. Student/Staff relationship policy.

All of the above were reserved for a meeting when Barb Krause could be present.

Update on the status of the alternate designation.

CJC, as a committee, will strike the use of alternates and those people will become full members with voting privileges. The committee would then stand at 3 undergraduate representatives, 2 graduate students, 3 employees, and 3 faculty members.

Randy will carry the message to the UA that members of committees, as well as the UA liaison, should make special attempts to attend their respective meetings.

It was decided that it would be fairly difficult to schedule another meeting before the end of the term. Ann will be in touch with each of us as to what our schedule will be to begin interviewing prospective candidates.

The meeting adjourned at 10:45.

Respectfully submitted,

Kenna L. Madigan

Contact CJC

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715