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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

March 15, 1996 Minutes

Attending Members: Errol Dominquez, Randy Hausner (chair), Kathleen Rourke (acting secretary), David Delchamps, Michael Kazarinoff Ex Officio: Barbara Krause

  1. Membership:
    • Introduction of new member, Errol Dominquez, graduate student.
    • Randy will ask for someone to be appointed to fill out the rest of the membership of James Gross while he is on leave.
  2. Alternates:
    • Randy talked with the Assemblies Office (C. Gardner). Alternates are a creature of assemblies structure. It is left to the individual committees as to how the alternates are utilized. The only distinction is for voting purposes. Alternates can vote as needed to keep balance (ie: keeping constituency equality). The CJC would like to see this rule if it is in writing anywhere.
    • The CJC prefers to get rid of alternate designation. The CJC membership would consist of 3 undergrad. students, 2 graduate students, 3 employees, and 3 faculty. It was felt that this is a fair and equal representation of the campus community. A quorum would consist of half of the standing membership.
  3. Computers:
    • Is there a need for changes in code to keep up with computer, electronic data communications? Barb cited a couple of violations that could apply (under Title III, ii: A & B) to computer misuse. Cornell does have a policy on responsible use of computers which satisfy most people as being adequate. The JA’s office gets a lot of complaints on E-mail which she treats as any other communication violations (ex: harassment), applying traditional rules and codes. The University also has a general policy in support of free speech. They will not censor but will respond to complaints. Kathleen referred the committee to a recent article that appeared in the 3/14 issue of the Cornell Chronicle on “Copyright Infringement on the Internet…”. The end of the article told people how to obtain copies of the University’s relevant policies: The University’s policy on Responsible Use of Electronic Communications can be found at <> on the Web. The copyright policy is not yet available on the web, but a copy may be obtained from the University Counsel.
    • The question was raised about someone being removed from E-mail access, from their Internet connection. Barb felt that this was something that only happened as part of a disciplinary action. Barb will look into the following:
      1. is there any record keeping on denial/removal of Internet connections?
      2. is there any sort of due process for such action?
      3. are there avenues for redress?
    • Barb will ask Margie to possibly attend our next meeting to discuss this in greater detail.
    • Barb also raised the question of various computer policies. Is there a way to combine them all into one? This may also be a question for Margie.
  4. Amendments:
    • Randy will check on the status of the various amendments we approved last semester. Barb noted that one is a change we cannot make. The CJC decided to leave that up to the assemblies to decide on what to do since we had agreed that is was a necessary change.
  5. Next Meeting:
    • Randy will check on when we can meet during the first week in April. The next meeting has been scheduled for: Friday, April 12, 1996 10:00 a.m.

Contact CJC

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715